Just In
for Honestly, Elizabeth

11/4/2022 c46 dpmancill
Well done, would absolutely love further chapters in this story, so much more they could do and share. Take care of yourself and please keep writing.
10/10/2022 c13 Guest
Oh my Goodness! i loved everything about their dinner in the cabin. Perfect!
10/4/2022 c46 Karen Martin
Beautiful. I don't know what happened to this author..covid? but i must say this i absolutely one of my favorite WCTH stories. Thank you...
10/4/2022 c43 Karen Martin
FINALLY! Thank you for having Lee finally give Rosemary her theatre! i love the characters of L ans R so much! very sweet chapter...
10/3/2022 c40 Karen Martin
I just love Nathan! Honestly, how many men would be confident enough to give their fiance a gift w an item that was a remembrance of their late husband. N is the best!
10/3/2022 c35 Karen Martin
Love that NATHAN had his turn w the frosting! LOL
10/3/2022 c32 Guest
LOL to the squeals while driving. "Natan" sweet...Nathan's compassion for Lee is so thoughtful here.
10/3/2022 c30 Karen Martin
10/3/2022 c25 Karen Martin
Great writing!
10/3/2022 c24 Karen Martin
OH MY GOODNESS! AGAIN, THIS is how it should have been written! L taking the stand and advocating for N was absolutely heartwarming.
10/3/2022 c23 Karen Martin
I would love it if this was the way WCTH had written their season. BIG sigh...
10/2/2022 c14 Karen Martin
Thank you for the way you wrote E taking off her ringd and talking to J about how N needed to know she was ready...
10/2/2022 c13 Guest
Oh my Goodness! i loved everything about their dinner in the cabin. Perfect! i really liked that line to also about N eyes having a gravitational pull.
10/2/2022 c11 Karen Martin
So true-E always sought after N, not L.
10/2/2022 c9 Karen Martin
Thank you for having E tell N that she wasn't seeing Jack in him! i adore R and L!
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