8/31/2020 c25 metacaroliner
Was on pins and needles reading this! Can’t wait to read how Nathan tells Allie. Now I need a certain Mountie to propose to a certain school teacher *wink*
Was on pins and needles reading this! Can’t wait to read how Nathan tells Allie. Now I need a certain Mountie to propose to a certain school teacher *wink*
8/31/2020 c25
Yes! I like this judge. I also like Emilee and her determination to protect Ally.

Yes! I like this judge. I also like Emilee and her determination to protect Ally.
8/30/2020 c24 Pharmama
Bill with the Mic Drop! BOOM! Let's get this court case rolling. Bill's ability to over investigate keeps him near and dear to my heart.
Bill with the Mic Drop! BOOM! Let's get this court case rolling. Bill's ability to over investigate keeps him near and dear to my heart.
8/30/2020 c24
Whoa...didn't see that ending coming! Loved that Lucas vouched for Nathan.

Whoa...didn't see that ending coming! Loved that Lucas vouched for Nathan.
8/30/2020 c24
Oh my, I didnt' expect that. The Emilee part. The Lucas part wasn't a total surprise. I know he likes Ally. I like how Florence is able to help even though she was working.

Oh my, I didnt' expect that. The Emilee part. The Lucas part wasn't a total surprise. I know he likes Ally. I like how Florence is able to help even though she was working.
8/30/2020 c23 Missela
They definitely don't lack support. Hope Valley is coming through. I like Bill's confidence. It bolsters mine that things will turn out.
They definitely don't lack support. Hope Valley is coming through. I like Bill's confidence. It bolsters mine that things will turn out.
8/30/2020 c23 Pharmama
Who is coming on the stage coach? Bill he can turn over every rock. We can't have heartbreak right before Christmas.
Who is coming on the stage coach? Bill he can turn over every rock. We can't have heartbreak right before Christmas.
8/30/2020 c23
Oooh, the suspense! What does Bill have planned?
Loved that Elizabeth and the Coulters thought to bring breakfast. That was so sweet.
Looking forward to what happens next!

Oooh, the suspense! What does Bill have planned?
Loved that Elizabeth and the Coulters thought to bring breakfast. That was so sweet.
Looking forward to what happens next!
8/30/2020 c22 Pharmama
Oh nobody wants Jesse to get his way! I have faith in Bills ability to excessively investigate any issues. even flower bouquets. Bill just has to figure this out. Waiting impatiently for the next chapter!
Oh nobody wants Jesse to get his way! I have faith in Bills ability to excessively investigate any issues. even flower bouquets. Bill just has to figure this out. Waiting impatiently for the next chapter!
8/30/2020 c22 elizabethB88
Aww, poor Allie, being a tool for her father. Ugh! I'm glad Bill and Lucas know what's going on, and I really hope they all figure out a way for Allie to stay in Hope Valley.
Aww, poor Allie, being a tool for her father. Ugh! I'm glad Bill and Lucas know what's going on, and I really hope they all figure out a way for Allie to stay in Hope Valley.
8/30/2020 c22 JulieB59
OMG! Ally can’t go with that horrible man! Perhaps Lucas can help keep Ally in Hope Valley. Love the suspense!
OMG! Ally can’t go with that horrible man! Perhaps Lucas can help keep Ally in Hope Valley. Love the suspense!
8/30/2020 c22 SaSeLi777
Ugh! Knew this wasn’t about Ally’s happiness! I hope Lucas’ dark days or Bill’s background check can help Ally stay with her real Dad! Can’t wait to see what happens!
Ugh! Knew this wasn’t about Ally’s happiness! I hope Lucas’ dark days or Bill’s background check can help Ally stay with her real Dad! Can’t wait to see what happens!