Just In
for Honestly, Elizabeth

8/8/2020 c6 SaSeLi777
8/8/2020 c6 Kcrow125
Please continue... this is so good. Thank you.
8/8/2020 c6 8Missela
I liked how Lee had to restrain Rosemary! Oh, and how Ally can read her uncle. And how you used honestly, Elizabeth!
8/7/2020 c5 metacaroliner
So good!
8/7/2020 c5 Missela
I enjoyed your story. Thank you for sharing it.
8/7/2020 c5 13BlossomOfEdelweiss
This is a fantastic start. I love the use of the Honestly, Elizabeth in the letter and can't wait for that talk and walk in the woods with Elizabeth. Love it so far!
8/7/2020 c5 6SassieFan
Great start! Love all the instances youanaged to use 'Honestly, Elizabeth'. Looking forward to reading more.
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