Just In
for Bleach: Reincarnated As A Praying Mantis Hollow

1/3/2021 c1 buu7
I think there's something wrong there's no chapters
10/23/2020 c3 SkeletalReader
potato. potato. potato. sorry for saying potato. but your story seems interesting.
9/24/2020 c2 Slaggedfire
An improvement with the capitalization, but the punctuation could use some work.
8/12/2020 c1 1Slavic Ancestor
8/8/2020 c1 Guest
Even better the second time!
8/9/2020 c1 piotrasek18
That moment when the summary is much longer and far more interesting than the story
8/9/2020 c1 1Xcutioner
BRUH... it's you again lmao... Honestly I believe the Renji fic is better written as it was 4x as long as this one... and the capitalization was better in that one.
8/8/2020 c1 Quaestor
Took me a while to read it all, but I have a lot of time thanks to quarantine. Some very odd word choice, but you manage to tell the story very well. Only complaint is one capitalization error in the first paragraph. Other than that, keep the chapters coming!
8/8/2020 c1 Slaggedfire
The first letter isn't even capitalized!

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