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for Anne's Diary: A Companion Story to 'By a Simple Twist of Fate'

1/1/2023 c5 32Mauryn
I'd say salt and carrots.

I was about to ask how in the world Rilla and her Prince are keeping a secret so well, but Anne's wondering about that too, and that is so very cool. Least it isn't just me.

I feel like i should write a thank you note to the author of By A Simple Twist of Fate for inspiring you to do these diary entries. Of course, what I really should do is start reading their story. LOL!

Anyway, all my rambling each chapter may be getting on your nerves by now, so I'll shut up ... Unti the nex tchapter.

Keep up the good work.
1/1/2023 c4 Mauryn
Her mother? Oh, so Anne isn't an orphan in this? Sorry, but remember I'm reading this sort of fandom-blind (there must be a better term for that in our case LOL). Hmm ... I really need to take a peak at the story which inspired these diary entries.

I feel for Anne. It's never easy being a caring mother, is it?

Another great job,and keep up the good work.
1/1/2023 c3 Mauryn
Anne should be nominated for a children's book Nobel Prize. LOL! In my totally unbiased opinion, of course.

Thanks for another great diary entry. I'm love how you keep Anne being Anne in such a modern day setting. It's a beautiful piece.
1/1/2023 c2 Mauryn
I still need to start reading the story which insipred this, but OMG! Maybe I'll jsut let the surprises hit me because it's so much fun!

Princess Marilla... Queen Marilla? I wonder what her Grandmother, the girl's name sake, would say about all this? And the gossip that Rachel Lynde would spread if she could!

Even though I'm half fandom blind reading this, it's still terrific! Thank you for being inspired and posting the story.

Keep up the good work.
12/31/2022 c1 Mauryn
This is an excellent start.

I'm reading this fandom blind, well, half fandom blind. I haven't read the orignal story this is based from yet, I only heard about it just now,and I will check it out.

Even though this is a modern AU, it still seems very much like the Anne we all know and love, and I think I'm going to enjoy reading the other chapters if they are as thoughtfully written as this one.

Oh yes, and i love that Joy lives n this version.

I can't wait ot read more. Thank you for posting this.
7/21/2021 c30 5OriginalMcFishie
I really liked this, Anne discovering a bit of Rillas life with the pap, and pondering how er daughters bf will be received. love that she packed more because if the pap(you totally would, wouldn't you?) and i completely agree, love me a good packing cube
7/15/2021 c29 DogMonday
Sorry this review went off without me rereading and correcting it. Really sorry. Blame it on a small smartphone, late hour and still 27 centigrades outside - the whole day has been so hot! Will do better.
7/15/2021 c29 DogMonday
Hi, sorry for not having reviewed for some time! With kslchen’s weekly routine for publishing I have likewise fallen into a weekly review. Your entries are not as prrductable but I get very happy when they appear. But I guess I will review from chapter 23. I retad the chapters from there and the interesting thing is that I saw devrlopmrnts more clearly than when reading only one chapter at a time. So maybe my absence brings something good.

First if all you make very clear that Anne finally realises what a different and strenous life with paparazzi following all over, nasty comments in media etc. Annes thoughts on the taxitrip are quite revealing!

Secondly, Anne also realises that Rilla has matured, that she is more thoughtful, aware of her surroundings etc. we get to understand in SToF that Gilbert still sees Rill as 12 years old - here you get an impression Anne is somewhat stinnes that this no longer is the case.

Thirdly Anne knows from her telephone conversations with Ken how much he cares for Rilla. Now she realises that Rilla is good for Ken and also how aware Rilla is of any sign Ken shows of not being comfortable, and hos she tries to make things smoother for him.

Finally she realises that they have a deep and stabile relationship. I think we know all these things from STOF bu you show how Rilla’s mother realises these things, at least partly to her own surprise. Anne almost matures herself through these diary entries.

It is also easy to understand how exhausting it is to have seven kids, also when they are grown up. But I find Anne a tad naive when she expects all her kids to be friends always. A little bit of bickering among siblings may actually be healthy!

You did meticulous research regarding tve circumstances NYC university had for graduation! I was just wondering if you did the same thing fir the Museum if Math. According to Wikipedia it openbsd in December 2012, 7 months later than the your perceived visit by Anne, Gilbert and Jake. No big deal of course.


All Rilla’s siblings do get affected in one way of another. But in SToF we only see Nan’s real grief, the others seem to shrug it off. Here you show clearly how affected Joy and her family are, partly by their own mistakes, but Anne understands the full impact. I really liked that.
7/15/2021 c29 OriginalMcFishie
i rarely get time to read FF, and sometimes skip Diary thinking I've already read Twist so know the story and every time I'm surprised and delighted . I love how you show another side to the tale and we hear it all from Anne's view. I'm on holiday next week and I confess I just might have to go back and read more of this delight xx
6/23/2021 c26 Guest
Anne's entry about Mrs Weisz' death was very heartfelt. I enjoyed it!
5/6/2021 c23 Prego01
Its wonderful to read Anne's viewpoint (specially in emotional complex characters) because it gives us a perspective Rilla can't have. And I love the small anne-like tidbits!
4/28/2021 c1 Mimiyuh
This is such a warm, sweet story and I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you have some great stories like this one, you can publish it on Novel Star, just submit your story to or
4/23/2021 c22 DogMonday
This was an awesome chapter! It is always fun to read about the get-togethers of the Blythe family and their interaction, glorious meals and hilarious games. Through Anne’s eyes rather than Rilla’s we get to know more of the organisational side of these gatherings. I have always been curious on this subject - I mean, 3 meals extra snacks snd drinks for 17 Blythes and occasionally 5-7 Merediths every day? Marilla and Joy must be exhausted and be in need of an extra holiday after the holiday!

But there were two specific things that caught my eye here. The first was of course that Anne (and Gilbert) really had realised the pressure Rilla was under through the media attention. You might remember that I was a bit disturbed when Anne’s and Gilbert’s contingency planning on how to handle media attention when news of Ken’s and Rilla’s relationship would break was focused on themselves rather than on Rilla. Well there was no question on how disturbed they were for Rilla’s sake now. Such an important change!

The second and maybe even more important issue was how Anne viewed Rilla’s development. I think she had been seeing Rilla as fun, nice and polite but somewhat spontaneous, whimsical and easy-going. Now she realised that Rilla has become more mature, restrained,, thoughtful and reassured. It seems Anne is a bit impressed! It is almost like in canon, although in a very different context, when Rilla’s accidentally overhears her Mum tell her Dad how important Rilla has become to her during these difficult war years, by being mature and supportive. Albeit different circumstances, Anne had to reconsider her view on her youngest daughter on both occasions. You caught this change so well, I really liked that!

But Anne wouldn’t be Anne if she did not display some vanity as well. By watching herself on TV she realises her need for a new winter coat. So typical Anne!

I certainly hope you will continue your Companion story to SToF, and I promise I will review from time to time.
And I liked your review of of SToF ch 121 very much!
3/13/2021 c19 DogMonday
I say! You are too fast for me and my weekly routine! I very proudly managed to make a review on chapters 16 and 17 on a weekday, in this case Monday evening, and then I wrapped up for bed. Next morning I realised that you had answered my review in four (!) hours, with a comment at least twice as long as my review. I feel as if I have stepped on your toes, which was not my intention, I promise. I guess your very quick answer was possible because we are on different time zones (I am on CET). Then before I had a chance to review chapter 18, there was very quickly a chapter 19. What I had in mind to say on chapter 18 is now completely irrelevant.

Because, of course Anne is in chapter 19 the loving and caring Mum I previously was missing. She did great in this chapter. Her final list, where she could add up not only minus but also plus, was sweet, but also a good way to show her Affection for her entire family. It was funny to realise that she did not have a clue as to what Shirley was doing when he immidiately started working on his laptop. I suppose her IT competence is not at that level.

Now it will be very interesting to see what you are going to do with the Xmas chapters following very soon. I think the conflicting views I have commented upon previously popped up in those chapters of SToF. So I will be back on this issue!
3/10/2021 c18 Guest
Atlanta sounds cool. Maybe I can go there if international travel ever opens up again!
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