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for Is It Wrong to be a Dragon Slayer in Orario

6/30 c13 12JensenDaniels32
Why did you abandon this story, author? Typical.
6/30 c11 JensenDaniels32
Why would he hide that he's a dragonslayer? No, the better question is, how? He's too dumb to think of hiding that.
6/30 c10 JensenDaniels32
Why does he need permission from Eina?
6/28 c6 JensenDaniels32
In trouble from a mere level 2 monster? You're an idiot, author.
6/28 c6 JensenDaniels32
So he doesn't know he is in a different universe, but he already told someone that he was from a different universe? Logic.
6/28 c4 JensenDaniels32
Pretty sure that Natsu could take Ryuu.
6/24 c15 Boophaven
I've always liked the idea of each universe having its own overlying "theme" that subtlety influences characters to act either more or less seriously.
3/28 c5 kharlsonn123
I lile this but alot of detail being missed is fucking ann and maybe its just me but the removal of bell was just unnecessary
2/4 c15 Midoriya D. Izuku
Hope you come back to this story soon.
1/27 c1 5WBXtreme234
Update pls
12/30/2023 c15 TwinstarDragon
I would like more please this seems awesome
12/30/2023 c2 TwinstarDragon
You know it is probably because of Ezra beating him up when trying to learn that may have caused him to be so immature at times and be traumatized of learning. Since the beating may have caused some brain damaged
11/27/2023 c15 TDR007
you should totally continue this story it is really good
10/8/2023 c15 Me nellis
I prefer Natsu being the main focus in the story makes him a better character and to grow in power as well so I say keep doing what you feel is best and can't wait to see the next chapter please
9/22/2023 c15 13ALPHA02FURY97
I have a few questions despite the lack of Bell Cranel being mentioned here When will you updated this book I may be a new reader but please update!
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