Just In
for We are a Normal Couple

8/29/2021 c2 3Herline-Hedervary
Goshhh sometimes I wonder if erik reads christine's journal on the sly!
8/2/2021 c2 8FleshofMidnight
Well done. Keep the angst and E/C awesomeness coming!
7/25/2021 c1 FleshofMidnight
Really enjoyed this piece!
10/5/2020 c1 5inkblottales
Poor man! All these freezing showers… :-P
Normal couple, hmm…
Nothing is ever normal with Erik. Extravagant, yes. Larger than life? Surely! ;-)
that was a lovely story. Glad to see this Christine is multi-talented.
9/9/2020 c1 TheTenthMuseSappho
OMG Enigma this was so cute! :D
I haven't been reading much lately now that things have gotten busier, but this oneshot was just the thing I needed to get back into it :) I particularly loved the way you described his eyes - I haven't actually come across a dark-eyed Erik that I can remember! It's a striking image, and fit really well with this version of his characterization :)
As always, fantastic piece, and keep doing what you love!
~ Sappho
8/28/2020 c1 27CharlieBoneFan
Nice work.
8/28/2020 c1 8Qtkittee
Thank you giving a romantic Friday night read. I agree with you that this Erik is at first glance more lovable. I am wondering what his issues are because things seem to be going well for them. Hmm, how long have they been together? I liked your bit about the movie theater. Does he actually pay for it or is his use of the theatre based on threat or blackmail tactics? Thank you

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