Just In
for A Gamer's Support Role

5/31/2024 c5 steel.metal14
very cool.
I eagerly await more.
3/21/2022 c5 Marshman101
This is actually quite interesting. I am not that big a fan of nuzlock but this is good.
10/21/2021 c5 1Ricee
pls more?
7/25/2021 c5 2Zomvee
I have a single request. That request is that one of the rewards for clearing the dungeon is a fully grown chocobo. That would be freaking awesome.

Anyhow, there's a few mistakes, i think, the first one that I can remember is that he was originally 17 but you then had him say he was 16, which is it? That's all I can remember, oh well.

Will he be able to get rid of some of the flaws or are they permanent?
7/7/2021 c3 Guest
Isn't Jormungand a giant world eating dragon in mythology or something? Nice name.
4/12/2021 c5 doubledamn
Could repeated use of 'Shedskin' eventually negate the 'Pygmy' Flaw?
4/11/2021 c2 doubledamn
Hi, you accidentally left half this chapter in bold.
2/16/2021 c5 Sonhaku
A very fun and interesting read. Hope you keep it going. Thanks.
1/27/2021 c1 1ISleep
Oh god, the way you separate every two sentences when it gets to skills is killing my eyes-
1/27/2021 c1 ISleep
Just looked up what a Zaptrescuno is, and holy fuck that thing is OP beyond OP
1/24/2021 c5 1AscendedHumanity
A little awkward to read, but it's okay. Maybe next interlude we can have Weiss's POV of events.
1/23/2021 c5 Yami-Guy
Amusing as F. Good stuff this.
1/20/2021 c1 Rain Sennin
Yeah, no, the premise seemed really interesting but the flaws literally killed any interest I had in the story.

Thanks, but no thanks.
1/15/2021 c5 Guest
Nice to see this Gamer-Fic again after a while. Now we've got the addition of Smol-Seviper with attitude and they all get dragged into a Horde-Dungeon to survive... Good luck with that!
Here's hoping Clay can let loose a bit more now that he's away from the public eye, and his two Mons can gain new powers and skills!
Good luck, stay safe, and hoping to read more in the future!
1/17/2021 c5 nicklaren
this fic is hilarious though a little sad you didnt save the devour skill for a ditto or something similar
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