Just In
for Future Bound

1/20 c76 Guest
Continue Shadow Warrior please?
1/15 c1 Wiewior14
Hello there!

I hope this message finds you well. I recently came across your story, Future Bound
and I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it! Your narrative really struck a chord with me, and I couldn’t help but imagine how incredible it would look as a comic.

As a professional digital artist, I specialize in creating comics, and I believe your story has immense potential to shine in this medium. I’d love the opportunity to adapt it into a visually engaging comic that stays true to your vision while adding a unique artistic flair.

If this sounds interesting, I’d be happy to discuss the project further, including details like pricing, timelines, and creative direction. Feel free to reach out here, or connect with me directly on Discord!

Discord: wiewior14.

I’m confident we could collaborate to bring your story to life in an exciting and captivating way.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon, and thank you for sharing such an inspiring story!
Warm regards,
1/10 c76 jasongd
And another great chapter congrats
I'll be waiting for next chapter

1/7 c1 Ama Beck
I read your story, and I thought it was really interesting! I can totally see why it caught my attention it’s clear how much effort you put into it. That inspired me, and I want to bring that same level of dedication to my work as a commission artist. I’d love to turn your story into a comic, and I have some ideas I’d like to share with you too!
1/5 c76 60Death Fury
Excellent chapter
1/5 c76 3RonaldM40196867
Sunny has grown.

Cool work.

Eon never stops.
1/4 c76 HyperPanda101
I was really hoping it would be the end, but realistically, I don't think it would be. Still as much a banger as the first two parts, though. I like Jen's reference to 'Legends Never Diebled reaching for greatness). Now it's stuck in my head lol. Keep up the great work.
1/4 c76 Guest
Happy New Year
11/10/2024 c7 Guest
So far I only have 1 negative thing to say about this story and that it's that ben is so bloody edgy for literally no reason anymore he definitely needs to know the the future changed just he is with gwen but noo he's just full of weird irrational anger that makes zero sense

But other than that I like it
11/9/2024 c18 1Thedarkeking
You my friend, literally knows how to make a goid story but knows nothing on how to balance!

Ben "I have the most powerful weapon in the universe with full power!"

Bullet "Hold my triger"
10/3/2024 c73 9G O G E T A 9 0 0 0
GOGETA FUN FACT: Eon did erase Cosmian DNA from the watches of everyone present when the wave his Malware enhanced device emitted. However, Albedo was able to reaccess it to attack Chronian Emperor Eon due to his Galvan mind having telepathic access to Master Control.
8/25/2024 c11 Pixie Duck
Good chapter. Good thing that Max knows about them now.
8/25/2024 c10 Pixie Duck
Still reading thoude that wasnt a good showing by Ben against Kevin, losing twice in a row and needing to go kill mode to win again Kevin who isnt at full power.

I'm also concerned that Gween lately is just a cheerleader when she should be a powerhouse getting involved in fights.

I like Omnitrix fusing with Ben, reminds me of that Omnitrix Ben AU pics. Though shouldnt that resulte in better healing not worse?
8/25/2024 c75 G O G E T A 9 0 0 0
Pixie Duck: Stick around, i dont treat him very well lol
8/25/2024 c9 Pixie Duck
Ugh, you're going with bullshit redemption for that trash Kevin. No thanks.
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