Just In
for Unbreakable: I'm breakable

10/18 c4 AngelaCA
I'm very interested on how this goes so please any news about the status of this fic or the next chapter of it?
4/16/2022 c4 3jeoliverio
Awesome chapter, but what a Cliffhanger!
3/19/2022 c4 Navywife07
So good please update soon
3/16/2022 c4 margaretim14
loved it updated soon plzzz
2/28/2022 c3 Fanboy101
Please update the fairy tail fanfic please
2/5/2022 c3 1LunaM303
2/5/2022 c3 Navywife07
Great update can’t wait for more
2/5/2022 c3 lopez.castro48
Blazing skies)?
1/31/2022 c2 LunaM303
oh no
1/31/2022 c2 9VeldanTwilight
Loved it!
1/30/2022 c2 Navywife07
Great update can’t wait for morw
5/4/2021 c4 Guest95
Liking this Bella/Demetri pairing so far.
2/20/2021 c4 kouga's older woman
OMG!More please!
2/20/2021 c4 1LunaM303
things are looking up even if she's down had about enough looking at the ground im sorry I couldn't help myself
2/20/2021 c4 Navywife07
So good update soon
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