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for The Slayer and the Rabbit

8/23/2024 c5 rollynolly
The Doom slayer biggest fact is killing the creator of the Doom Multiverse Reine does not stand a chance against him and if there are pure evil spirit that want nothing more but exterminate humanity then they need to be killed as the Doom slayer Couldn’t care less about Shido mission wanted to save all spirit I wouldn’t be surprised if the pure evil spirit lure shido pretending want to be save when Shido get closer the spirit kill him on the spot and if he come back to life again then the Spirit proceed killing him over and over again until he mind has come insanity.
8/25/2023 c5 Zabaniya
Writing really needs a lot of work and the pacing is just terrible. The Doom Slayer is just mishandled in some situayions and it feels more like he is a bystander than anything else. Overall its a crossover that isn't done well.
4/30/2023 c4 xKurumi666Slayer
Doom is eternal
Hello Big fan of Kurumi and the Doom Slayer, I love that Slayer vs Kurumi fight scene. I've been trying to find a book or fanmade project about a fight between these two and I finally found my savior 10/10. But next time I can give you some advice for better action in another scene.
gore and mobility for both characters.
interruptions between their fight that can make even more fluid the fight because we are talking about two killing machines, in other words one stands & one falls.
3. You have to know the entire lore of the slayer because in you understand all behind the origins of Doom Guy's powers you can know things like weaknesses, battle IQ, strength etc...

Please in a next chapter transport them to the Doom Slayer's world recommended locations: Hell, Nekravol, Urdak, Setinel Prime, Earth in the middle of the demonic invation, Cultist base, Phobos BFG 10,000 site, UAC Mars.

Please take these advices on consideration, and keep up the good work.
4/30/2023 c5 xKurumi666Slayer
Bro nice kurimi and Slayer fight
12/10/2022 c4 Guest
6/6/2022 c4 Danyh003
Update pls
5/2/2021 c3 Guest
Neat fic idea love to see more
4/28/2021 c4 Decto
You really should get someone to format/beta the story for you. So far I don't have too much of a problem with the grammar but having everything, including dialogue, be in basically a few big paragraphs really makes the whole thing annoying to read.
4/28/2021 c4 6Phantom Dark-Knight
Soo it begin, the blood starting flow and and created more demon to invade that world once again, this time love is useless, spirit are easy to corrupted

Now Doomslayer, go Rip and TEAR UNTIL IT IS DONE!
1/7/2021 c3 Freetimedude77
More. me want to know what happens next. More please!
1/6/2021 c3 SAVAN
It’s… avant-garde, to say the least. But good God, man, clean up how you present your story; EVERYONE HATES having to read giant walls of text.
11/16/2020 c2 Freetimedude77
Please let him RIP AND TEAR!
11/16/2020 c2 Freetimedude77
Update please
10/29/2020 c2 22edboy4926
Good chapter.
Keep on going.
10/29/2020 c1 edboy4926
Interesting intro.
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