1/10 c23 bdydvl
It better help with more than transportation when apparition, portkeys and slip rings exist already
It better help with more than transportation when apparition, portkeys and slip rings exist already
1/10 c21 bdydvl
How tf did voldy's diary end up in that woman's hand btw? Lucius saw mc and thought of getting rid of it ? Doesn't make sense unless it's an AU part where he never gave it to lucius for some reason
How tf did voldy's diary end up in that woman's hand btw? Lucius saw mc and thought of getting rid of it ? Doesn't make sense unless it's an AU part where he never gave it to lucius for some reason
1/10 c19 bdydvl
That's there's no camera and no listening devices in their cells is so fcking stupid... Mc is a moron too
.. mc's instinct to want to protect laura is stupid, it doesn't work at all with his character
Dumbledore is taking his sweet time too, btw can't mc think of Fawkes or Dumbledore to attract him? Or was that just some bullshit he fed harry and everything in the end of the second book was planned ? Because i don't believe hydra can stop a phoenix
That's there's no camera and no listening devices in their cells is so fcking stupid... Mc is a moron too
.. mc's instinct to want to protect laura is stupid, it doesn't work at all with his character
Dumbledore is taking his sweet time too, btw can't mc think of Fawkes or Dumbledore to attract him? Or was that just some bullshit he fed harry and everything in the end of the second book was planned ? Because i don't believe hydra can stop a phoenix
1/10 c18 bdydvl
He better think that his room is bugged and not say stupid shit
Btw just in case he's in England he should use a single wandless spell to trigger the impropre use of magic act
He better think that his room is bugged and not say stupid shit
Btw just in case he's in England he should use a single wandless spell to trigger the impropre use of magic act
1/10 c16 bdydvl
Ewwww i don't like Voldemort's horcruxes taking over, i guess he'll be more intelligent and less of a Maniac when he recover most of his soul
Ewwww i don't like Voldemort's horcruxes taking over, i guess he'll be more intelligent and less of a Maniac when he recover most of his soul
1/10 c15 bdydvl
...all of this to kidnap muggleborns? It's probably just used to give him enhancement and for him to destroy them later but it's still stupid
...all of this to kidnap muggleborns? It's probably just used to give him enhancement and for him to destroy them later but it's still stupid
1/10 c14 bdydvl
Maybe Voldemort's Shade found out the stone wasn't there and changed his plan after that.. he should have minded his business
Maybe Voldemort's Shade found out the stone wasn't there and changed his plan after that.. he should have minded his business
1/10 c13 bdydvl
Would the cleansing ritual work on horcruxes ? Or would that make the objects useless anyway and mc better use basilisk venom?
Why is he surprised? She can see futures, from the moment he started to want to learn the Mystic arts i was waiting for her to come since he isn't ordinary
Would the cleansing ritual work on horcruxes ? Or would that make the objects useless anyway and mc better use basilisk venom?
Why is he surprised? She can see futures, from the moment he started to want to learn the Mystic arts i was waiting for her to come since he isn't ordinary
1/10 c11 bdydvl
So if mc isn't stupid he just became rich af, possibly immortal (in case it only stops aging he shouldn't use it before a decade or two), and it probably has a few other use in alchemy
So if mc isn't stupid he just became rich af, possibly immortal (in case it only stops aging he shouldn't use it before a decade or two), and it probably has a few other use in alchemy
1/10 c9 bdydvl
Is he in a rush? Why would he trust Salazar with something so important? And he shouldn't fight the magic? Lmao it would have been good if it was a Trap to take over his body, moron
Salazar said the ingredients are easy to find? Is he delusional or a troll?
He found an abandonned potion kit? With usable things inside? Did he visit the come and go room already or is it just bullshit ?
Snape had some tears of Fawkes that aren't always with him ? And they were stolen by a first year? Yeah lmaooo sure
Btw how the fck did the other descendant of Salazar find this ingredient ? Does the potion master of Hogwarts always has them somehow and is shit at guarding it ?
Is he in a rush? Why would he trust Salazar with something so important? And he shouldn't fight the magic? Lmao it would have been good if it was a Trap to take over his body, moron
Salazar said the ingredients are easy to find? Is he delusional or a troll?
He found an abandonned potion kit? With usable things inside? Did he visit the come and go room already or is it just bullshit ?
Snape had some tears of Fawkes that aren't always with him ? And they were stolen by a first year? Yeah lmaooo sure
Btw how the fck did the other descendant of Salazar find this ingredient ? Does the potion master of Hogwarts always has them somehow and is shit at guarding it ?
1/10 c8 bdydvl
Instead of saying he had an eidetic memory from birth and/or could use occlumency, he went with the whole truth ? Wtf is wrong with him
Instead of saying he had an eidetic memory from birth and/or could use occlumency, he went with the whole truth ? Wtf is wrong with him
1/10 c6 bdydvl
Will the map show his real name?
Moaning myrtle will definitively cause a scene if she sees him
Will Voldemort recognize him ?or does he need to see him for that? Does he get access to his host's memories ?
Will the map show his real name?
Moaning myrtle will definitively cause a scene if she sees him
Will Voldemort recognize him ?or does he need to see him for that? Does he get access to his host's memories ?
1/10 c4 bdydvl
Shouldn't mc be named a black too? And is he higher than draco in the inheritance line after Sirius ?
Shouldn't mc be named a black too? And is he higher than draco in the inheritance line after Sirius ?
1/6 c32 Guest
I hope you will get back to finishing this one. It's great! Maybe give him something like kunai from Naruto. With his inhuman powers, he could be the next Yellow Flash or a teleporting version of Hela from Thor. His portals could also make him like Blink from the Xmen or abusing the Portal gun physics system from the Portal games - maybe even combined with powers from the Braid game too...
I hope you will get back to finishing this one. It's great! Maybe give him something like kunai from Naruto. With his inhuman powers, he could be the next Yellow Flash or a teleporting version of Hela from Thor. His portals could also make him like Blink from the Xmen or abusing the Portal gun physics system from the Portal games - maybe even combined with powers from the Braid game too...