Just In
for The Victory Lap

12/10/2024 c4 Saftey Orks wif Steam zilla
Damn still no new chapter
7/17/2024 c4 Daybreaker1
Naofumi here is just using gaslighting, Gish gallop tactics, and whataboutism to distract from the fact that he's practicing child slavery. Motoyasu is entirely right to point out that it's still unacceptable whatever the local laws might say. Raphtalia saying she's happy as a slave is irrelevant, she's a child and should not be allowed to make such life-altering choices.
7/6/2024 c4 lucas482020842082
cap 4
3/24/2024 c4 Wyszard
Love the story! Can’t wait fir more if you’re still writing it!
3/7/2024 c4 Telpon
Hey man! I found the story so far really good.

I know that it's hard sometimes, but I found your story as one of the best ones. It is well written, has good pacing and is the only TROTSH with Time Travel (which I love)
I hope you feel better soon and get out of your funk. :D
8/30/2023 c4 Guest
If you could update that would be awesome!
7/1/2023 c4 Logical-Tadkins
This is such an awesome story and I love how you crafted the events that have happened with Naofumi. It'll be interesting to see how things change with his prior knowledge being what it is. Especially loving the Raphtalia moments as well.
6/10/2023 c4 Guest
AHHHH SO CUTE! absolutely adore this lmao the peek into Myne’s mind, girl trying so hard to frame him
4/22/2023 c1 Dasgun
3/31/2023 c4 Queen cat spark
The story was quite fun to read and the idea was cool.
2/19/2023 c1 Guest
www dot fanfiction dot net/u/15367020/DefunctStoreKing

www dot fanfiction dot net/u/15367020/DefunctStoreKing


www dot fanfiction dot net/u/15367020/DefunctStoreKing

www dot fanfiction dot net/u/15367020/DefunctStoreKing

2/10/2023 c1 Guest
Great story can't wait for chapter 5!
1/19/2023 c1 teamo12peri
Not bad this is entertaining to watch trash get dunked on
12/19/2022 c1 ramiro.rodriguezrodriguez92
Esta muy buena la historia, espero que sigas actualizandola, tienes potencial como escritor.
12/7/2022 c4 TsukuyoGintoki
this is so good! I hope you continue this story.
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