Just In
for The Victory Lap

9/25/2020 c1 hptrump
Interesting story.

So from what your story says the cardinal heros lost the first time around. Now you are telling us here that they are going to lose again?
9/23/2020 c1 2tedpierce18
great concept I love sassy Naofumi
9/23/2020 c1 darkstel
Is there a chance to save Rifana? I know that she died relatively long ago, but I really feel sorry for her fate, plus it will add to the uniqueness of the new timeline.
9/23/2020 c1 10Wolf31
I hope you rewrite of the story turns out great. I do like it like and wait on further updates.
9/22/2020 c1 Nobody
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS

Lmao I so excited! It’s really difficult to find good Shield Hero fics where they’re not all completely out of character! This is really good so far! I love how Naofumi’s just completely done with their shit even though they (except him) don’t remember any of the shit they put him through. Ren’s regret in pointing out Naofumi’s physique was hilarious as well.

I freaking love them all.

Except Trash. And Bitch. I’m looking forward to how Naofumi’s handles his first meeting with the she-devil.

And Raphtalia, of course! He needs to rescue our precious raccoon-girl!

How exactly is he going to get Filo? I mean, since she was bought as an egg, wouldn’t Naofumi need to buy Filo at about the same time he purchased her the last time?

I’m really looking forward to the next chapters! Thanks for writing this sorry! It’s really amazing so far!
9/22/2020 c1 11RedFistCannon
So everyone is bisexual? XD
9/22/2020 c1 Guest
Can't wait to see more of this
Keep it up
9/22/2020 c1 1downix2k
If he aims for Raphtalia, it would be before she or her friends ever went to Rabier, so an interesting situation. Of course her price would be far higher now.
9/22/2020 c1 Ressan
Seems interesting.
9/22/2020 c1 Guest
Are you going to have him make a stop at Idol Rabiers for Raphtalias friend... she may still be alive at this point.
9/22/2020 c1 drm186
Nice start,
I see his level was reset but does he have his shields?
who he going to meet in the bar (I can only hope he finds Sadeena so he can have the offence power to go get Raphtalia from Idol as Raphtalia will not be at the slave tent for about 2 weeks)

look forward to what you have plan in the coming chapters
9/22/2020 c1 Takia5683
Man, I like this writing for some reason. I will enjoy reading what comes next.
9/22/2020 c1 356Tsukikage Kitsune
lol! YES~! But... it's Iwatani, not Iwatana!
9/21/2020 c1 Death Lantern
Hell yeah!
9/21/2020 c1 22edboy4926
Awesome intro.
Looking forward to more.
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