Just In
for The Victory Lap

3/9/2022 c4 2Derpknight94
Good work so far! Keep it up :)
3/7/2022 c4 3zeldawolffang
I like this fic!
2/27/2022 c4 EchoCalls
I’m really sad to see this unfinished I loved this
2/9/2022 c4 Guest
Dannazione, perché le migliori storie di questo sito sono sempre quelle più lente ad aggiornarsi
2/1/2022 c4 RandomGuest
Better fics? Better fics?! This is an amazing premise! One of a kind and with few others like it! Unless someone else picks up the same idea, writes just as great, and adds a bit of humor in between, this will forever hold a place in my needs! It's a glorious tale that should continue!
1/10/2022 c4 GeneralBoom101
Myne is going to go through hell before of Naofumi.
12/29/2021 c4 4Le055Li0n
This interesting, and so far I am genuinely interested to see where this is going.
12/25/2021 c4 wildarms13
update pleaseee! awesome start
12/10/2021 c4 7TheLivingMyth
Hehehe, nice. I like this a lot
12/10/2021 c1 TheLivingMyth
Lol, that was fun to read
12/8/2021 c4 Kiritoisking
Trust me I know all about comparing myself to others (e.g. comparing my art skills to my sister/mom's art skills). I just finally listened to them that I need to be proud of what I can do and try to keep on practicing till I feel like I am good. To be honest with practice makes better ( in my opinion there is never such thing as perfect. There is always room for improvement). But yeah just reading your story so far it is amazing, never give up especially if it is something you love. If it worries you ask people you trust what they think (as long as they know what you are writing about) and take anything they say as constructive criticism to improve and fix. If you have anything else you are worried about just message me, I've read a lot of fanfiction on here that are a lot worse and some better then yours but that is mostly sentence structuring/ misspellings because English isn't their first language. And in my opinion all people leaving flames don't understand how hard writing stories is. So try not to listen to them. Sorry for the rant this is the first time I've ever left a comment.
12/2/2021 c4 nurray
Be interesting to see how this pans out with Malty now "in" the party with Raphtalia and Rishia.
12/1/2021 c4 Noone
Theirs always a point to writing friend, don't be so hard on yourself.

If you want some tips here's a few: don't head-hop, try to show in your narrative not tell, remember less can be more - your readers can often pick up more then you think so try not to overexplane characters acthions, don't make characters too complacent to follow your narrative - try to think what they would really think about/act to what's happening if they were a real person, and don't try to sue your characters up - everyone has fults and virtues, let them add contrast to their character and create dimension. Those are the main points I can think of for you.

This was a fun read, so don't get depressed over how it could be better :)
12/1/2021 c4 17ZealousSiren
Honestly I got so into reading all this I forgot to head to bed. This was a nice set of chapters to read before turning in for the night!
11/17/2021 c4 Indra Cedar
Great chapter, I can't wait to see what's the thing with Malty.

Hope you're ok Mr! Good luck with your other projects and don't forget to take care of yourself!
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