Just In
for The Victory Lap

11/8/2021 c4 Marshman101
This is really cool and I hope you make more.
11/5/2021 c4 Guest
Do what you can okay? Don't try and go after the expectation, go after what YOU PERSONALLY want to do okay? Do what makes you happy, what fulfills you and all that stuff.
10/17/2021 c4 Guest
Yo,awesome book you wrote,keep up the good work!
10/12/2021 c4 harmscody074
love it
10/12/2021 c4 SharinganSlayer
Where is the next chapter
10/5/2021 c4 1TheGreatBubbaJ
Looking forward to how things go.
10/5/2021 c3 TheGreatBubbaJ
Quite the busy bee.
10/5/2021 c2 TheGreatBubbaJ
The slave merchant is always such an interesting character.
10/5/2021 c1 TheGreatBubbaJ
Interesting start.
9/23/2021 c4 sandmanwake
Is he going to get the sand for teleportation and reset Rishia's level so she'll get the benefit of being in a Hero's party starting at level 1?
9/14/2021 c4 paramdoshi25
Waiting for the way Naofumi deals with Malty
9/7/2021 c4 1ChronoHex
This story so far has been an absolute blast, and i really hope to see it continue. I just wanted to say that i totally get you; as someone who’s still pretty new to writing fics, it can become habit to compare other stories to your own. But don’t let that dissuade you! You have an amazingly well written and enjoyable story here and nothing can detract from that.

Think of it like this: instead of feeling inadequate when comparing to other stories, let the stories you love motivate you. So what if they’re better? Ultimately they aren’t the ones who put the effort into writing this story—you did, and you can only go up from here. Eventually, other people will look at your stories and think “wow, i wish i could write something like that.”, and you’ll have fully deserved it.

So until then, keep up the great work!
9/2/2021 c4 13Gamera68
First off, great chapter. I hope Bitch gets what's coming to her, and soon.

Secondly; don't compare your writing ability to others'. I love what I'm reading, so far and want to read more. Please for the sake of everything that is pure like Raphtalia - update when you can. I'll be following this story to the very end.
9/2/2021 c3 Gamera68
Please keep up the great work!

I can see that little Raphtalia is becoming quite attached to Shield Bro much sooner and I'm okay with that! They honestly do need each other more than most readers realize. Especially later on when the drama hits the fan. I can't wait to see how that plays out differently!
9/2/2021 c2 Gamera68
Loving this take on Shield Bro so far. And BEST girl arrives sooner, than later.

PLEASE, please continue! This is gold and I'm looking forward to reading more than 4 chapters.
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