Just In
for The Victory Lap

9/2/2021 c2 13Gamera68
Loving this take on Shield Bro so far. And BEST girl arrives sooner, than later.

PLEASE, please continue! This is gold and I'm looking forward to reading more than 4 chapters.
8/28/2021 c1 1FruitofYggdrasil
This is really good, and I hope you continue to write. While there is better out there, yours is one of a kind. I hope you're okay.
8/10/2021 c4 DivineDemon1
interesting... I will be watching for this one with a lot of interest.
8/9/2021 c4 jpkcountry
Great job keep it going
7/30/2021 c4 Anonymous
Hello! Just read your AN, and I’m sorry to hear that. I actually have been there myself, writing stories but always scrapping them because they are a lot of better one out there. But a friend of mine helped me realize that it doesn’t matter that there are better fanfics done by other people. In fact, all the people who read your fanfics read it because because it’s your fanfic, your ideas, and your words that you chose to use. While there are a ton of other stories and writers in the world, people come to read ones you wrote because you offer a story that is different than anyone else’s. It’s beautiful and great to read because you put your own twists and ideas that varied from any other story that was put online. Take pride in knowing that the readers here are here because you have something totally different that they have so far enjoyed. Just keep on writing from the heart.
7/29/2021 c4 LordNimmu
7/26/2021 c4 Guest
This story is fun, Im enjoying it thus far. I hope you continue.
7/20/2021 c4 LAzHellRaiser
Really interesting concept and execution so far, I'm looking forward to more
7/17/2021 c4 Guest
Dont make me come there and pour "love and care" juice on you
7/17/2021 c4 codynye2001
Nice so far, hope you continue.
7/16/2021 c4 FlygonTamer
I like the feel of this fic so far. It's kind of chill so far and is building up to the good kind of wish fulfillment that time travel fics like this have.

Don't worry about comparing yourself to others. You do good work from what I've read so far. Just make sure you are in the right headspace and keep it consistent. Do it if you enjoy it. If you don't, you will lose that passion and it will bleed into your writing.
7/15/2021 c4 theoneandonlyshrek
Hi there! Just want to say that this is one of THE BEST ROTSH FANFICS I HAVE EVER READ! You have perfectly portrayed Naofumi's character. I hope everything is going well on your end and I can't wait for the next chapter!
7/11/2021 c4 fahri.uchiha
Rishia and Myne joined the party
7/11/2021 c3 fahri.uchiha
Peaceful day
7/11/2021 c2 fahri.uchiha
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