Just In
for The Victory Lap

7/11/2021 c1 fahri.uchiha
7/9/2021 c4 There are not names
Love it looking forward to the next chapter
7/6/2021 c4 5BadWolfRisen
Hey there! Saw your AN as of chapter four and just thought I'd say: I've been on a shield hero fanfic kick recently and I'm loving what you've got going here so far. Naofumi knowing what's coming and being confident in his abilities, maybe being able to sway things more in his favour, Raphtalia is as adorable as ever. I can't wait to see what you come out with next, but the writer's block is understandable, I hope you can get out of that funk soon :) You've got a great thing here, time travel stories always get me.
7/4/2021 c4 Eloise
Aww, you haven't added another chapter that's a , I know you said you're feeling down in the dumps because you think this story isn't good and that there are many better stories out there. Well me and many others beg to differ. This fanfiction is good right now, but it's brimming with potential to become great if you do continue it. So please do continue writing this story, author! I can assure you me and many others have enjoyed it so far. I hope you do continue it and can start seeing how interesting and enjoyable to read this fanfiction you wrote is to us readers.
6/28/2021 c4 milkdud8888
Great story so far, interested to see where it goes.
6/26/2021 c4 Saber
You should definitely continue this
6/25/2021 c4 2prabhjiv
Such a good story man. I hope you decide to continue this soon
6/25/2021 c4 Saftey Orks wif Steam zilla
Zog already caught up hope to see more
6/24/2021 c4 1SimpletonWithAShield
Love what you’re doing with this story. If I could make a suggestion though - stick to writing from one character’s perspective in a setting. In that last scene with Naofumi and his party, you switched between Naofumi, Myne, and Rishia’s thoughts with no heads up about the transition. As the author, it may be noticeable for you since that’s what you planned, but for us, the readers, unless we’re warned about it beforehand, there’s a very good chance that we’ll miss it and that sort of takes away from being… invested in the story. If you really feel the need to switch between each of your characters mindsets/thoughts, you could try inserting a line-break where you then can transition to a different character’s perspective and even delve further into their thought process/feelings because you don’t have to worry about switching back to another character right away (just please don’t do it every couple of sentences - that’s almost as bad for reading as the constant switching between characters)

Sorry for the long message - just wanted to point that out. Again, love the story and looking forward to more!
6/11/2021 c4 Eloise Carcini
Ooooh, author! This is good! I like how Naofumi got Raphtalia beforehand and how she came to trust him so easily for the caring nature he displayed. I am pleasantly surprised that Rishia joined Naofumi's party! Also, ugh of course Malty would join him, but without Malty things wouldn't be entertaining. I hope Rishia can realize that Malty is just putting up a charade and see how malicious she is. I had a smile in my face due to Naofumi's attitude with the king. It was satisfying for Naofumi to make him furious and act all nonchalant. It was also satisfying for Myne to be internally fuming at her plans being ruined. Naofumi is badass in this! I love his comebacks and retorts. I am thrilled to see how things change from the anime know that Naofumi has knowledge of what happens. Please do continue this story and keep up the great chapters!
P.S This is more of me nitpicking, but whenever someone asks something with an exclamation mark you type it like this "!?" and that's actually wrong and should be like this "?!" Like "How dare you?!" The question mark comes before the exclamation mark. Again, it's not a big problem, but if you fixed that I'd appreciate it.
6/3/2021 c4 monkwindu
this is really good! keep updating it please!
6/3/2021 c4 Guest
This is fucking awesome, 3am, slightly drunk, and I’m loving this fic. Really great, sad there’s no update atm but it’s awesome regardless!
6/2/2021 c4 Reader 67
This story is actually pretty good, and the notion that one's work is made pointless if there are other works of higher quality out there is just plain wrong. I won't get away with not making my bed, just cuz' in the Ritz they are made better.

The measuring tape starts with zero, too, so you shouldn't measure your achievements from the other end, backwards.

This story is interesting, and a good read. I'm glad that you continued it, and I look forward what's ahead in the next chapter.
5/31/2021 c4 Jondoe0321
This is one of the best concepts I’ve read
5/27/2021 c4 Seimika
They should camp out in the woods lol would really throw out her plan a bit more, also if you are having confidence issues with your writing ask a few authors and even some betas for help/tips, I been obsessed with reading for a very long time and I honestly don't have any real issue with your style if that means anything to you
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