Just In
for Two Tickets to Rome

5/3/2021 c17 folk melody
I love how Lavender is not the 'bad guy' here! Really loved how you portrayed the characters!
5/3/2021 c16 folk melody
Aww! Ron likes her as well! But Lav is here now and I am pupmed up about what happens next!
5/3/2021 c15 folk melody
Oh I really hope Ron doesn't cheat! I love Romione but it doesn't seem a Ron thing to do. I really like how you wrote it, I could visualise the whole scene! Oooh there is going to be drama now? So excited for that!
5/3/2021 c14 folk melody
I can't stop smiling after reading this fic! This is so sweet!
5/3/2021 c13 folk melody
Okay I am really enjoying reading this fic! It's so light hearted despite having some serous conversations! This chapter was very nice!
5/3/2021 c12 folk melody
Yes! They are going to spend more time together! Loved this chapter!
5/3/2021 c11 folk melody
Ooh I really like how you mixed canon in the story! The cause of Hermione punching Ron was so good!
5/3/2021 c10 folk melody
Oh this chapter was so great! Loved knowing more about Ron! Wonder what Hermione's story is?
5/3/2021 c9 folk melody
I love how you are telling us about their lives in this AU! And Hermione might have a chance after all if Ron and Lavender break up! So excited!
5/3/2021 c8 folk melody
Love this new development! They are getting to know more about each other! The sunset and the blood prejudice scenes were so great!
5/3/2021 c7 folk melody
Seems like they are going on a road trip! Can't wait to see what happens next!
5/2/2021 c6 folk melody
Glad they are back to being civil and not angry at each other any more!
5/2/2021 c5 folk melody
Oh no! They are going to miss the train! Loved the café scene!
5/2/2021 c4 folk melody
Aw! He has a girlfriend! The bathroom was a nice touch! Hermione already likes him! This chpter was great!
5/2/2021 c3 folk melody
Ooh Hufflepuff Ron! I love this AU already! This meet cute is just so good!
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