Just In
for Two Tickets to Rome

5/2/2021 c2 folk melody
Omg they are both magical! Wonder if that was Ron in her dreams?
5/2/2021 c1 folk melody
Oh I love the premise! This is such an original idea! Loved their convo about their life and subtle ways you showed Hermione's attraction to Ron! Thanks for sharing!
5/2/2021 c1 Tilly
Did you by any chance were inspired by the movie Jab We Met? I am getting those romcom vibes from this fic! If you didn't watch this is such a nice coincident! This fic was awesome!
3/12/2021 c21 16AzureAlquimista
Very sweet!...

Mmm... Part two... Maybe Ron meeting Hermione's parents? Lol...
2/26/2021 c21 Romione Granger-Weasley
Maybe their engagement or marriage in the next chapter?.. Dunno, but this chapter was amazing.
2/26/2021 c21 maxisaraviamgs
Todo lo bueno tiene un final ,como me emocioné con tu fic y solo queda el último cap . Esperare ansioso con una taza de te para disfrutar al máximo exito y fuerza
2/21/2021 c20 1Albert42830
The ending feels a bit rushed or maybe I'm just sad by the fact that it ended... great story as always
2/5/2021 c20 13chemrunner57
Loved the way it ended... would also love an epilogue.
2/3/2021 c20 James Birdsong
Wonderful chapter
2/3/2021 c20 6Cheerra12
I absolutely love this story, please write an epilogue
2/3/2021 c20 Guest
Read this all last night and delighted to see a finale chapter. Thank you for sharing your work. I liked the plot and the cute trip they took together. I guess once you know you know
2/3/2021 c20 avid reader
Of course I would very much like to read more.
2/3/2021 c20 LindyAmy
adorable and yes, please write an epilogue!
2/3/2021 c20 16AzureAlquimista
A really wonderful fic... Of course we want an epilogue!

Thoughts?... The plot is not complicated, or surprising, but It's a very well constructed fic! A delightful light comedy romantic fic.
2/3/2021 c20 Romione Granger-Weasley
I'd love a two part epilogue but overall a really great story.
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