Just In
for Whisked into the future

10/14/2020 c9 adechusna
No matter who you are demons or not : an angry mother are the scariest creature _
10/14/2020 c9 8MeTheAnimeLover7
This chapter was hilarious :))) And the Inu brothers fighting, I think we've been all waiting for. I love Kagome's reaction to their fight. I mean usually she would have probably been the one to break them, but it's her mother's house, so...
Great chapter, thanks for the update!
10/13/2020 c8 adechusna
Poor sessh T.T that must be devastating to find out the castle was empty
10/13/2020 c8 61elfqueen13
No. . . Ah-Un. This is really cute, Sota and Sesshomaru bonding. And he absolutely has a soft pot for children. Now I really want to know what happened to all the demons.

By the way, this story is a highlight of my day! You update daily and at a consistent time, which means the new chapter is up in time for me to read it on my lunch break. Keep it up!
10/13/2020 c8 WineIXI
Poor ah-un I always liked him much more than kirara. Was he literally abandoned in the stables to die a slow painful death.
10/12/2020 c7 WineIXI
I guess someone did notice that sesshomaru hates human adults but can tolerate their children
10/11/2020 c6 5Jacob Flax
I hope that Sesshomaru gets to meet Kagome's friends.
10/11/2020 c6 61elfqueen13
I love that you're taking full advantage of Sesshomaru's tendency to pick up strays to have Sota attach to him. His interactions with Gramps are hysterical, and he's so baffled by everyone else being nice to him.

Poor Sesshomaru, the present really is strange, and it seems like he might even be starting to miss Jaken XD
10/11/2020 c6 adechusna
Awww... T.T poor sessh
Thank you for the update 3
10/11/2020 c6 Wine
Well written. I enjoyed seeing the grandfather get scared of sesshomaru. The only flaw about this chapter is the length. I feel that it's very short compared to the others. See you soon!
10/10/2020 c5 Wine
I really really like this story. Hope you don't abandon it. There aren't that many stories about sesshomaru being in the future.
10/9/2020 c4 8MeTheAnimeLover7
Inuyasha's really enjoying it, I mean just watching his brother in the modern world :))
10/9/2020 c4 1pinkwierdsunsets
I am in love with this fic! so well written. Please update soon :)
10/8/2020 c3 8MeTheAnimeLover7
Great fic, I'm really enjoying reading it! And I love how Sesshomaru just seems to have a soft spot for children :)) Awesome job and thanks for the update!
10/6/2020 c3 adechusna
Omg! That cute just imagine the sessh expression
Thank you for the update author-sama
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