1/5 c17 J
12,000 Valemen, that's it? They can summon 40-45,000 if they tried. That's only a quarter of their strength!
12,000 Valemen, that's it? They can summon 40-45,000 if they tried. That's only a quarter of their strength!
1/5 c12 J
Arya is 5 years younger than Jon and Gendry, Lyanna was 4 years younger than Robert and 7 years younger than Rhaegar, Tyrion is about 10 years older than Sansa at least, Sandor is more than 15 years older than her - and people romanticise 'SanSan' [bleurgh] ...so is the gap really that bad? I'm not saying they should have a full romance that young, but the gap itself and a potential later is bad, why? Or do you mean the ages they currently are, not the gap itself? Cos then I'd agree that Arya is too young.
Arya is 5 years younger than Jon and Gendry, Lyanna was 4 years younger than Robert and 7 years younger than Rhaegar, Tyrion is about 10 years older than Sansa at least, Sandor is more than 15 years older than her - and people romanticise 'SanSan' [bleurgh] ...so is the gap really that bad? I'm not saying they should have a full romance that young, but the gap itself and a potential later is bad, why? Or do you mean the ages they currently are, not the gap itself? Cos then I'd agree that Arya is too young.
12/20/2024 c3 avarath1
The second coming of Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein, this time with the words of a Queen
The second coming of Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein, this time with the words of a Queen
12/6/2024 c1 Rick Ladner
Wow what a great. story! thank. you for your ti!e and effort! many emltions throughout thos story! i hope that you havent abbandoned it!
thank yoy again for your story!.
Wow what a great. story! thank. you for your ti!e and effort! many emltions throughout thos story! i hope that you havent abbandoned it!
thank yoy again for your story!.
11/13/2024 c15 Angelica Vieira
Estava gostando da fic mas tiraram o Norte de Robb estou com raiva, Robb tinha direto de pensar se queria ou não se ajoelhar, jon chega e tira tudo de Robb por birra só porque meu Robb não se corvou ao salvador o príncipe prometido e toda essa bobagem, Robb para mim sempre será o melhor ele enfrentou twyn mesmo tendo poucos homens e sem dragão, uma pena a fic é boa mais não tem Robb como senhor do Norte como é seu direito de nascença
Estava gostando da fic mas tiraram o Norte de Robb estou com raiva, Robb tinha direto de pensar se queria ou não se ajoelhar, jon chega e tira tudo de Robb por birra só porque meu Robb não se corvou ao salvador o príncipe prometido e toda essa bobagem, Robb para mim sempre será o melhor ele enfrentou twyn mesmo tendo poucos homens e sem dragão, uma pena a fic é boa mais não tem Robb como senhor do Norte como é seu direito de nascença
11/13/2024 c13 Angelica Vieira
Tomara que Robb e Roslin estejam bem, não quero que nada de mal aconteça com ela e Robb, Roslin não tem culpa das tramas de seu pai, tem um grande desejo de ver Robb e Roslin construir uma linda família
Tomara que Robb e Roslin estejam bem, não quero que nada de mal aconteça com ela e Robb, Roslin não tem culpa das tramas de seu pai, tem um grande desejo de ver Robb e Roslin construir uma linda família
11/13/2024 c12 Angelica Vieira
Não quero que Robb perca o direito de governar o Norte, se ele for destituído de seus títulos como guardião do Norte vou ficar zangada, meu Robb merece o melhor do mundo e ser feliz com a bela Roslin vivendo em winterfell, como já disse Robb é meu favorito estou do lado mesmo sabendo de suas falhas
Não quero que Robb perca o direito de governar o Norte, se ele for destituído de seus títulos como guardião do Norte vou ficar zangada, meu Robb merece o melhor do mundo e ser feliz com a bela Roslin vivendo em winterfell, como já disse Robb é meu favorito estou do lado mesmo sabendo de suas falhas
11/13/2024 c11 Angelica Vieira
As coisas estão esquentando para todos os lados, quero ver Robb e jon fazendo as pazes, Robb é meu favorito sempre vou está do lado dele, mesmo que ele faça bobagens mais ainda o amo muito como personagem
As coisas estão esquentando para todos os lados, quero ver Robb e jon fazendo as pazes, Robb é meu favorito sempre vou está do lado dele, mesmo que ele faça bobagens mais ainda o amo muito como personagem
11/13/2024 c10 Angelica Vieira
Estou preocupada com o casamento de Robb, quero que dê certo para ele e Roslin, amo tando o casal Robb e Roslin mesmo que nunca aconteceu, eles pode ser felizes juntos
Estou preocupada com o casamento de Robb, quero que dê certo para ele e Roslin, amo tando o casal Robb e Roslin mesmo que nunca aconteceu, eles pode ser felizes juntos
11/13/2024 c9 Angelica Vieira
Espero que Robb não seja ferido nas negociações com jon, estou aflita com o encontro deles.
Desejo que Robb se case com Roslin Frey eles são meu casal favorito amo os dois, Roslin é linda gentil e fará Robb feliz.
Espero que Robb não seja ferido nas negociações com jon, estou aflita com o encontro deles.
Desejo que Robb se case com Roslin Frey eles são meu casal favorito amo os dois, Roslin é linda gentil e fará Robb feliz.
10/5/2024 c28 RowdyRobbyD
Dream on Euron you will burn baby burn ! Dragon fire gonna kill the laughing jackass called Euron Greyjoy
Dream on Euron you will burn baby burn ! Dragon fire gonna kill the laughing jackass called Euron Greyjoy
9/15/2024 c28 J
What defeated Stormlords? I thought when Stannis sailed to Essos they all said 'good riddance, any man who abandons us like that is not our king'?
Arthur has more wisdom than the White Bull, that is the man who stood back and let Aerys be Aerys the most and the longest.
A white star turning red? I hope that's the comet and not the death of a Dayne...?
Were those visions of what would happen IF he won? Cos I can't see Euron winning this somehow.
Its been a while, any plans to update this or any other fic anytime soon?
What defeated Stormlords? I thought when Stannis sailed to Essos they all said 'good riddance, any man who abandons us like that is not our king'?
Arthur has more wisdom than the White Bull, that is the man who stood back and let Aerys be Aerys the most and the longest.
A white star turning red? I hope that's the comet and not the death of a Dayne...?
Were those visions of what would happen IF he won? Cos I can't see Euron winning this somehow.
Its been a while, any plans to update this or any other fic anytime soon?
9/15/2024 c27 J
Did Ghosty unlock the door himself or was he being warged?
Ironic, Stannis is commanding the Golden Company against a Blackfyre and Aegon Blackfyre is commanding the Stormlords against a Baratheon. Was that intentional from the start or it just ended up that way by plot?
Westerosi believe in honour and rules of engagement? This man is generalising, we can tell you were born in Essos, Strickland - Tywin Lannister, Walder Frey, Roose Bolton, believe in honour? Ha!
Even those who might never use the dishonourable tactics usually still prepare for them to be used against them.
'Rhaegar' is right tho, you should never throw away lives unless there is no other choice.
Man do I hate how Stannis acts so righteous about being 'the rightful king', when he is so wrong.
He believes he is the rightful heir of Robert, but to be so he has to accept that a King can win/lose the throne through Conquest, in which case he has already lost it to Joffrey, or he believes that line of succession is more important, but if that is the case then Robert was never the rightful king so Stannis cannot be either. He can't have it both ways, and either way he's a hypocrite to then claim he is the 'one true/rightful king'.
All of Maege's daughters? I thought Dacey was the only one with her here?
Rowan's there, but not Tarly?
Also, Blackwood and Bracken are only major in the Riverlands, they wouldn't count as that major overall.
Stannis spitting on 'mercy from a Dragon' is laughable, has he forgotten who his grandmother was already?
As to 'a liar and a usurper' the only one there is Stannis, the hypocrite.
I doubt it was over the loss of Stannis she killed herself, but over the loss of the chance of being Queen, or the fact that her religious fanaticism had been proven wrong and she couldn't accept it.
Did Ghosty unlock the door himself or was he being warged?
Ironic, Stannis is commanding the Golden Company against a Blackfyre and Aegon Blackfyre is commanding the Stormlords against a Baratheon. Was that intentional from the start or it just ended up that way by plot?
Westerosi believe in honour and rules of engagement? This man is generalising, we can tell you were born in Essos, Strickland - Tywin Lannister, Walder Frey, Roose Bolton, believe in honour? Ha!
Even those who might never use the dishonourable tactics usually still prepare for them to be used against them.
'Rhaegar' is right tho, you should never throw away lives unless there is no other choice.
Man do I hate how Stannis acts so righteous about being 'the rightful king', when he is so wrong.
He believes he is the rightful heir of Robert, but to be so he has to accept that a King can win/lose the throne through Conquest, in which case he has already lost it to Joffrey, or he believes that line of succession is more important, but if that is the case then Robert was never the rightful king so Stannis cannot be either. He can't have it both ways, and either way he's a hypocrite to then claim he is the 'one true/rightful king'.
All of Maege's daughters? I thought Dacey was the only one with her here?
Rowan's there, but not Tarly?
Also, Blackwood and Bracken are only major in the Riverlands, they wouldn't count as that major overall.
Stannis spitting on 'mercy from a Dragon' is laughable, has he forgotten who his grandmother was already?
As to 'a liar and a usurper' the only one there is Stannis, the hypocrite.
I doubt it was over the loss of Stannis she killed herself, but over the loss of the chance of being Queen, or the fact that her religious fanaticism had been proven wrong and she couldn't accept it.
9/14/2024 c23 J
Once in Westeros (and especially without the Dothraki), I think she should take out titles like 'Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea' from her title, because they have no applicability to Westeros and she no longer holds them. Indeed in this fic she never even gained it cos she never even took over all the Dothraki, so why is it in her list of titles?
Once in Westeros (and especially without the Dothraki), I think she should take out titles like 'Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea' from her title, because they have no applicability to Westeros and she no longer holds them. Indeed in this fic she never even gained it cos she never even took over all the Dothraki, so why is it in her list of titles?
9/13/2024 c17 J
I know they've taken losses and Bolton and Frey are out the numbers now, but isn't 15,000 very low for the North and Riverlands combined? Robb started with 20,000 Northmen alone, minus Bolton's 3/4,000 and the losses I could see the North alone being a bit below 15,000, but add the Riverlands (20,000 added to the Northmen wasn't it?) and it should be much higher surely? That's 40,000 down to 15,000. They can't have lost more than half, none of the battles Bolton wasted men on in canon have happened.
Same with the Vale, 12,000 representing all the major Houses when they can call on 40,000? Even a half muster like the North and Rivers would be 20,000.
I know they've taken losses and Bolton and Frey are out the numbers now, but isn't 15,000 very low for the North and Riverlands combined? Robb started with 20,000 Northmen alone, minus Bolton's 3/4,000 and the losses I could see the North alone being a bit below 15,000, but add the Riverlands (20,000 added to the Northmen wasn't it?) and it should be much higher surely? That's 40,000 down to 15,000. They can't have lost more than half, none of the battles Bolton wasted men on in canon have happened.
Same with the Vale, 12,000 representing all the major Houses when they can call on 40,000? Even a half muster like the North and Rivers would be 20,000.