Just In
for Out Of Place

3/25/2021 c1 AUCO
This was very illuminating for me. As I’ve never really seen TOS all I know about the characters comes from these FF stories. In many of them Jeff comes across as a tyrant imho.
The way you expertly brought TOS and TAG together, the interweaving of the characters, has really been the first time I felt I got a real understanding on how the show and characters changed from show to show.
I’m still not a huge fan of TOS Jeff but I appreciate the way you humanized him in your last chapter here.
And yay - TAG John over TOS John! Buuut, I understand there were creator-bias reasons for that. Poor guy. I feel John is so often ‘cheated’ in so many fics. Lost relationships, lost loves, etc.
Anyways, I enjoyed your series and hurrah for Scott and Angel getting their happily ever after.
2/10/2021 c32 islandsandstars
Awwwwwww, fantastic end to a fabulous story!
Thankyou so so much for sharing this. Every chapter was absolutely amazing and you always left me wanting more.
I'm soooooo sad it's over!
Thanks again, you did an astounding job on this! :)
2/10/2021 c32 3lottie01
You knew how to bring a little heartbreak in those final moments!
Loved this storytook me a few chapters to get in my head which dimension we were in but such a great read. Thanks for gifting us this!
2/9/2021 c32 16LMC25
I'm glad Jeff has finally relented in his stubborn dislike of Angel. 'you called her a manipulative fortune hunter' lol. Scott's so even tempered bless him, he's a testament to Jeff and I hope he's proudAww poor John all alone on five and the other one about to go and do the same thing! no I haven't forgotten how you broke my heart over TOS John's infatuation either and I wondered if it might crop up. Gordon is a very astute person , not many places to hide on a island! I have really loved reading this one I'm going to miss it but it's all been brought to a satisfying conclusion- apart from John watching over Angel's double that he also can't be with
2/9/2021 c31 islandsandstars
O M G!
This chapter brought tears to my eyes!
The moment I read the title, i knew this was going to be emotional and it was!
The way you wrote this was astoundingly perfect!
All the emotion, omg, I don't know what to say except,
:) :) :)
2/9/2021 c31 LMC25
Omg. the name of the chapter already had my heart tearing then the their last moments together agggh poor John! That broke my heart. I've loved seeing Angel develop by revealing herself to John and its nice to see she's learnt alot. Her kiss was so bittersweet but her reunion with Scott was lovely and so heartfelt. I really feel for John with Alan being separated from each other the way they were none of his brothers really know what angel was like, he's going to feel so lonely with no one to talk to and his whole families probably going to bring up polite Scott all the timebecause let's face it who wouldn't?it's going to be a constant reminder. Oh and when he asked if Scott was a good man? almost cried
2/8/2021 c30 islandsandstars
Woooooooow, this is so thrilling!
Another absolutely AWESOME chapter!
I love how they're saying their goodbyes and transferring back to their rightful places.
This is just sooooo perfect! :)
2/7/2021 c30 LMC25
Angel's up to her old tricks again! I wonder if either of them will make it and I'm intrigued as to what Scott might see bring the last to transfer like John! Gordon's such a sod. by kids don't do anything I wouldn't do lol. I like the way they transferred I was imaging proper beam me up Scotty vibes
2/6/2021 c29 islandsandstars
Woohoo, I'm so glad lady Penelope and parker are ok!
I'm sad that this is coming to an end too!
It's been absolutely BRILLIANT! :)
2/6/2021 c29 LMC25
yay! they're ok and the irony of Alan attending to someone he had taken out was not lost on me haha!nice to see Scott and Alan in action together too and Tin-tin was a star
2/3/2021 c28 islandsandstars
Wow, totally awesome chapter and great cliffhanger!
You wrote this brilliantly and the holograms were an excellent idea too!
I'm so excited for the next chapter! :)
2/3/2021 c28 LMC25
ahh touche! I gave you a cliffhanger and you have returned the favour by surprising me again! very clever with the holograms and nice to see John and Angel soften towards each other again. She must feel a great deal for him to share her early life with him. I hope they can at least part on good terms. interesting to find out their parallel swap wasn't intentional.
2/1/2021 c27 islandsandstars
Totally AMAZING chapter!
That cliffhanger was brilliant!
Will lady penelope and parker be ok?
I'm loving this, Please update soon! :)
1/30/2021 c26 islandsandstars
Woooow, awesome chapter!
I got so excited when I saw the new chapter,
And enjoyed it so much I didn't want it to end!
Fantastic job! :)
1/30/2021 c26 LMC25
ooh scary andriods! poor Penny she can never quite dress right for some missions and Gordon is very cheeky sometimes lady p indeed!got a funny feeling I know where they are being taken... trouble seems to be brewing!
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