Just In
for Finding Common Ground

6/2/2021 c9 Shinra Kusakabe
Is this story abandoned :( ? I really like it
3/26/2021 c6 raymond21
I know Harry want to fight against Voldemort. But he must know that he is child of prophecy. I know the reason Lily doesn't want to involve with the order anymore because is she and severus caught,Voldemort Will realize that Harry is child of prophecy. She didn't want Harry to face death. At least in this world Harry have a happy childhood and suffering under mercies of petunia.
Deep down we know that tonks and shacklebolt are member of the order. They must doing it to simulate another situation to fight Voldemort and his army
3/25/2021 c4 raymond21
Oooh,i want to hug severus. He was so hard to protect his family from voldy. And Harry wanting to be auror proofed that he is being so hard to protect. Severus have a family that he wanted. Even thought Harry doesn't love him, he is fine with it. Because he want Harry save. To not wasted James sacrifice
12/31/2020 c2 raymond21
Owh Harry,don't be so harsh to your step father. I know that you hate your step father because he become Voldemort lapdog,but he doing it for the sake of the order.
I am glad you make your plot point. Sev will love Harry if he is with Lily. He is still his step father after all. I just hope harry gryffindor tendencies make him in trpuble like in MOM
11/21/2020 c9 1hule
Thank you for the update.
11/13/2020 c9 KM
Well crap. I had hoped there would be no Umbridge, alas not. She really is perfect for the story but f her for getting in the way of Lily not having to register. And on that note. LILY! I feel SO bad for her. I haven't really taken the time to appreciate her here but gosh, she really got a short end of this nonsense. She lost her husband for a cause neither of them actually believed in, and now her life and world is horrible. And her only child is in danger all the time and she is powerless to help him. Ugh, things are most certainly going to get worse before they get better I imagine. I just hope she gets some sort of peace by the end. (BUT I HAVE A BAD FEELING FOR HER [just so you know]). Any who, these last three chapters have given me so much angst. I'm actually happy I waited until now to read them, idk if I could have handled it last week at all. The next chapter title. AHH! I imagine its talking about Harry, and I hope he didn't do anything too crazy. Oh gosh I forgot what it was like to have to wait for your next chapter, and I can't wait to see what going to happen in the next few chapters, but I hope you take as much time as you need to get it exactly how you want it! And I look forward to reading more about James's history! :)
11/13/2020 c8 KM
I have a new thought. Did James try to defy Voldemort the one more time the night he died and that defying caused his death? I had been toying with that for a few chapters now, and I kind of believe it but kind of don't after this chapter so I shall see. I just have so many thoughts about this story! I feel like I said this in an earlier chapter, but I love that even with a different upbringing harry is still harry with his lack of self preservation this time. I feel like in other stories I've read they change him a bit when he has actual parents but i very much enjoy that he is pretty much the same harry. Are you sure they cant go to America or Australia still? I don't want tragedy to strike the family, but that'll def probably get them to the light side and hopefully the end of Volde sooooooo I guess I will deal. I'll prob cry my eyes out, but I'm in, mostly.
11/13/2020 c7 KM
Goodness, I have missed this story! I was ill and then sucked into election madness that I haven't had the time to catch up! Any who, here now... Hmmm... Why do I feel like there's a reason why Narcissa and Draco ended up at the Snape household... And I can't wait to see what was in Severus's note. I feel like they aren't going to turn to the Order easily here, and frankly I'm concerned as to what will ultimately make Severus want to switch sides as we know Harry would make the jump as soon as he could. I'm very concerned. I have an idea that I'm trying to talk myself into not crying over should that come to be true. They should have just left the country when they had the chance. I'm nervous. And Mrs. Figg. Sneaky lady, what'd she write to Lily in the beef stew recipe. This story is making me so anxious. But I'm enjoying it a lot. I feel like I say this to you all the time, but its been a while since I've left a comment in general so I'm just gong reiterate that I love the why you write Severus and Harry together. It's one of my favorites... Also I've half convinced myself that you didn't actually kill Sirius. I need more about that. I know he died protecting the Longbottoms (and you killed neville uhhh) but I need to know what happened with him and James, if you want. No pressure. But how did Sirius let James just go to the dark side? I do understand James' motive, but I would imagine that Sirius, and Remus for that matter, would have some things to day... Speaking of, where's Remus ? And did Peter become a death eater? Or did you mention that already and I forgot? Ok I'll stop and continue on now. This story is fascinating to me. There are so many ways to go about this, and I'm excited to continue!
11/10/2020 c9 Ludra
I just finished Choices and started this one. Thank you for writing and sharing. I'm spoiled in that this is the first time I've had to wait for an update. I'll be looking forward to it and will have to try very hard to be patient. I really enjoyed Choices, loved hearing of a potential sequel, and am thoroughly enjoying this story as well. I can't wait to learn more about the story behind the partnership of James and Severus and how it relates to the prophecy. Thanks again.
11/9/2020 c9 8PearlM21
At least Severus is starting to realize how much he is keeping form his family, but he needs to do something about it before it blows up in her face. Granted, this is not an easy situation they are in ,and he wants to protect them as much as possible, but it's going to end badly if he doesn't start communicating better.

LOL. The fact that Harry is literally responsible for a plant was hysterical. Ah. The life of interns. It's also concerning that they are having him file reports on some of the most disturbing aspects of their society. Hopefully he keeps his cool!
11/7/2020 c9 19BlueWater5
Thought I would love an update sooner, I really appreciate that you meticulously plan out your story and only post when you're satisfied that each chapter will fit into the final work.
I love how Harry is more Slytherin having grown up with Severus, such as when he and Severus negotiate without words about his punishment.
11/7/2020 c9 MarinelilP
Thank you so much for this splendid and much-awaited chapter ! I'm so relieved you've updated : I'm used to your early updates, and I was wondering if you were alright or if FFF was being touchy again ! This chapter was so good. I loved reading about Harry's internship and his maturity about the job he's being given. I really wonder what will happen next and am really really eager to learn more about James' history...
11/5/2020 c8 BlueWater5
Nice build up of tension.
11/4/2020 c8 Guest
I have just read these eight chapters at a trot. This is one of the best stories that I have come across on . I look forward to reading the rest of it. Thanks for sharing.
11/4/2020 c8 8PearlM21
Severus! You need to stop with the keeping things from your family! It's going to backfire terribly! Talk to your wife about what is going on so you can make the best decision. It also seems like their might be a bit of a history of him keeping some things from her under the idea of protecting her(correct me if I'm wrong). I can understand them being a nervous wreck about Harry. Hopefully he takes his stepfather's advice and becomes able to pretend he goes along with things he doesn't like he does. The stakes are really ramping up ,and I am eagerly awaiting more!

Also I'm sorry you had to go through a big storm. I hope everything is okay!
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