Just In
for The metamorph savior

12/7/2024 c6 jimmy.oz
Needs updates.
10/30/2024 c6 1amberfranke1
thats funny a spider instead of a troll
10/30/2024 c3 amberfranke1
so in this story tonis is a first year student
7/18/2024 c6 TLD110166
The Divination teacher's name is Sybill Trelawney. You have it spelled wrong. I'm glad that Snape is out of Hogwarts, and that the school is being cleaned up. Will the Horcrux in the ROR be found soon?
6/3/2024 c5 beladonna1
Love the story
Why did Flitwick take points from Gryffindor for what Malfoy did?
3/24/2024 c6 sleepy123444
Nice story
3/5/2024 c6 Mr.BrownOptometrist
Great chapter, keep up the awesome work
3/5/2024 c6 Qhristhian
1- Se nota el vacío provocado por la falta trama en el primer año.

2-Hermione sobra mucho en ese grupo, es decir la metes porque se necesitaba un capítulo de transición para acabar el año, al igual que luna, pero realmente lo que hace ella lo pueden hacer entre todos los que están en ese grupo. Y luna pues por las risas supongo.
3/5/2024 c6 5michaelc100
great chapter
3/5/2024 c6 7Mando-Vet
Great update! Glad to see Snape get his due.
3/5/2024 c6 3Hudy Leak613
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
3/5/2024 c6 6Yaw6113
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it and liked it a lot.
3/5/2024 c6 19Awesome Ten-Tails
Been waiting for the next chapter, and you did not disappoint, amazing work, can't wait for the next.
3/1/2024 c5 Guest
Interesting story so far. I'm curious to read more!
1/26/2024 c5 5michaelc100
great story so far, cant wait for more
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