Just In
for A Fruitless Start

3/29/2021 c2 Exodus12345
Well this sucks. Hope no tragedy happens since there is no way Luffy could win this fight. Hate tragedies.
3/29/2021 c1 Exodus12345
No training the body? At all? Is he still Luffy if he is as weak as a twig? That's like being someone who relies on their fruit to much only worse. This is One Piece every person who is strong in that world have monstrous physical abilities. He wasted all that time for nothing. He would be even weaker than in canon here.
3/27/2021 c16 Nami4Life
Great chapter , love what you did with Robin , she’s such a deep character , so clued up and tuned in , my third favourite character in one piece too , after Nami and Luffy . Robin working in conjunction with Nami is an unbeatable combination , chapter 769 of the anime proved that , when Robin deciphered the poneglyph and gave the info to Nami who worked out she could make a nautical chart to pinpoint the location of something . Luffy certainly struck gold in the female members of the crew , that is for sure.
3/25/2021 c1 Daemon-blackJackson
Yoooooo brasileiro na área, acabei todos os 16 cap e estou amando sua história, como você conseguiu desenvolver ela. Achei muito interessante o personagem luffy sendo Rei. Rir horrores em algumas partes, no aguardo de novos cap
3/24/2021 c16 5Monkey D. Conan
Oh, so close Robin, but wrong. The good news is Luffy is still Luffy and that means the basis of her plan is still sound. Of course, Luffy will be breaking out the big guns, namely old righty and lefty, nothing more is needed.

It’ll be interesting to see Robin’s perspective on Luffy and the others this time around since she is expecting something much different then in canon.

So, how far ahead are we talking Luffy getting his fruit? I don’t know which ones are in the running that you were thinking of, but if you’re talking canon fruits, based on the criteria you mentioned before I think the wax wax fruit Mr. 3 has would be a good candidate. Not that I’m advocating killing off Mr. 3, but it wouldn’t be hard to write out even in canon, despite being a logia type it’s not really thought highly of, but it gives tons of opportunities for fun and creativity along with almost unlimited room for growth when combined with Luffy’s Haki and his fighting genius. There’s probably plenty of other fruits to choose from, but I’ve always been partial to abilities that are underwhelming, but really are insanely powerful in the right hands.

I’m looking forward to more. By the way, is Nami going to have a bit of a breakthrough in controlling her fruit after meeting Dolton on Drum? Bull or Bison, I’d imagine it would help. Also, are we going to be getting at least a rendition of the whole Luffy taking Nami to a doctor and climbing a vertical mountain in the midst of a snow storm, like a boss? (LuNa at its finest I’m telling you). Anyway, excellent work as always! Can’t wait for more!
3/24/2021 c16 PraetorXyn
Glad we're on the way to Drum. I liked the way Robin is handling things, but hope Luffy can win her over sooner too.
3/24/2021 c15 Monkey D. Conan
Yay, Robin is here! The beautiful puppet master.

You know, I know he hates the H word, but no matter how you look at it Luffy really is a H word. He just cares too much about freedom and even when it has nothing to do with him, he hates anyone who tries to steal the freedom of others. It’s the main reason he gets so involved in other’s problems.

It was interesting to see Ingram connect the dots, but you’d think if he could recognize Zoro, that he would recognize Luffy if only in name.

I love the relationship you have going between Zoro and Tashigi, makes me wonder if you’ll really go the star crossed lovers route with them eventually. Until then, got to love Nami’s teasing.
3/24/2021 c14 Monkey D. Conan
Sabo’s back! Awesome, maybe Ace doesn’t have to die now.

I honestly enjoyed your take on Loguetown as well as your characterization of Buggy so far. I can’t picture the canon Buggy paying respect to his old captain, but maybe that was simply because to was too focused on his hatred of Luffy. It’ll be interesting once those two meet.

You know, now that I think about it, even Smoker and Tashigi truly live up to the ideals of the marines...cause tons of damage, dump everything on others, and then proceed to ignore what’s actually right in favor of what you want and simple define that as being what’s right. Then rinse and repeat.

The worst part is knowing that unless you have a major curve ball coming for us, those two will still think themselves righteous in comparison to the Straw Hats. Anyway, can’t wait for more! (Whispers: and a bit more LuNa too hopefully!)
3/23/2021 c13 Monkey D. Conan
You made Kuro an almost likable character...don’t know how I fry about that. Oh wait, yes I do, that’s as awesome! If I would give on critique it would be that small line you put in about a minor cut on Zoro’s back in his fight. Given his feelings of marks on the back being a sword Man’s shame, even a minor cut would be shameful. I think Zoro would have purposely turned into the blow and made it more serious rather than accept a minor one on his back.

Still, this was excellently done and we can already see the changes taking place. Wonder how Smoker is going to react to all this.

Also, still loving the synergy between Luffy and Nami and hoping for more! Great work here!
3/22/2021 c16 chunnin33
In my opinion Robin is the 4th most important character looking from the outside in: and the most important when in universe. Not enough stories delve into this introductory period for her, I am very glad to see what you're cooking up. Most of the time she's ignored or solely used as fanservice.
3/22/2021 c16 reapercrone
Lit chapter dude keeping things intresting and fresh,glad your not one of those people who just change one little thing and just writes the exact same events that happens in the series word for word.
On a side note will their be non cannon potential crewmates for luffy
3/22/2021 c16 Ani-Me Fanboy 123
I'm liking this your having Robin doing her own work behind Crocodiles back to reach her goal. Setting up for success makes sense Robin didn't survive so long on her own without coldly calculating all options to acquire what she wants then escape. It'll be fun when she realizes Luffy not pretending to be pirate destroys all her ideas why. Drum Island interests me lots cause I feel be big not just getting Chopper but now Nami not being sick. She can interact with first canon Human Zoan Devil Fruit user Dalton. He also has Ox Ox fruit like Nami just his model is bison not mythical bull. She can ask tips on how to enter hybrid form to not only rely on full bull form. Hybrid can help her control it's power better and not accidently kill enemies like Syrup Village fight with smaller body instead of big bull one.
3/22/2021 c12 Monkey D. Conan
All Hail King Luffy!

And for the record to that dumb prince, no noble woman could hold a candle to Nami (Future Pirate Queen).

That’s how it’s done right there, that’s the countenance of a King!
3/22/2021 c16 vilgax
It is good that you are exploring robin character as many tend to neglect her
Great chapter can't wait for next update
3/22/2021 c11 Monkey D. Conan
Krieg...enough said right. From the get go he was weak, he just had a few tricks but nothing of substance. I’m assuming smoker never saw Luffy using Haki, it might be as easy as he thinks. Looking forward to the next time they meet up.
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