Just In
for Demon of the Sun

12/26/2024 c7 hello
hope to see an update soon
11/29/2024 c7 1valkrus
Hope to see an update after 2 years
10/24/2024 c3 None
I really like it but I would like it more if he was more angry and demonic like nezuko kamado
9/9/2024 c1 32LOBlack
Wait, I kinda don't get it? Was Yoriichi a ghost?
8/19/2024 c7 Guest
More please.
7/6/2024 c7 Guest
Hey are you planning to continue updates?
6/28/2024 c6 Chea sokunthea
More chapter please
6/1/2024 c6 1WaterLilyAisho
This was one of the best chapters of KNY, actually of any, fanfiction I have EVER READ AHHHH
5/31/2024 c1 Guest
My god this is amazing
3/17/2024 c7 El-Pepe-Bv
Me pregunto cuando habrá actualización...En octubre? Agosto, Talvez?
1/2/2024 c1 4malchicken
Good fic. Wished you finished it but it was a good 1.5 hour read.
12/12/2023 c7 Rexus Draconoid
I love the story so far, thank you
I can't wait to see what will happen next
12/5/2023 c7 E
Fuck. It's been a year and this is really good. Considering you mentioned how long it took for some updates, i'll not lose all hope just yet. I do wish there would be more of this though. Of the "Tanjiro is a demon" stories, very few explore it well or for any other reason than to give him a shitty harem. Of those which have good plot, most are also just written poorly prose wise. So this is great.

I await more, as always.
10/2/2023 c7 1DanDrake
Amazing story I hope you continue it!
9/25/2023 c7 WearyLegands
Hope this still continues
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