Just In
for Eldia für alle Ewigkeith

7/7/2021 c10 Andy1997
I'm really loving how your taking the time to explain how Eldia's army is moving through the Marlyan mainland, rather then just saying, "they took Liberio, now they have 3 other cities under their control". I'm really looking forward to seeing how the rest of the military engagements go!

And in sappier news, Queen Hisu misses her husband! Aww, I hope you can get these love birds reunited sooner rather then later, or Else the Founder might just end up leveling all remaining cities lol!

Great chapter over all. My only complaint is that it was far too short! Just one more thing, I was gonna mention this in my last review, but I forgot so I'll do it now.

One of the lines from chapter 5: "For one hundred years, we've waited. We prepared. We grew stronger. While Marley rested in their cradle of power" and so forth. Admit it, you took that from the "Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived' Trailer". I'm not mad or nothing, honestly I think the dialogue definitely fits Marley's plight, as well as the queens resolve to make them pay!

I look forward to next chapter. Peace.
7/7/2021 c1 1Dragonwolf123
Great update
7/7/2021 c10 FuryJoe
great story
7/7/2021 c10 7RedHood001
This chapter was so great. This STORY HAS BEEN AMAZING! You managed to give us the satisfaction of seeing the comeuppance on the bad Marleyans while also revealing a lot to the Eldians in Marley.

And it's not too over the top or outlandish. You give legitimate reasons and some hints of background details that explain why Paradis is winning. Their memories were never erased, their overall civilization developed many advancements, they have the element of surprise, etc. It's not just there for the sake of being there.

IT'S SO GOOD! Very well done! I look forward to more of your updates! You're an amazing writer and I wish you a safe, peaceful, and wonderful day!
7/7/2021 c10 12Sultan Asil Arslan-Hiatus
This story is awesome and I can't wait for more.
7/4/2021 c9 Krysvun
Floch did nothing wrong.
6/24/2021 c9 Sultan Asil Arslan-Hiatus
I got only one question. Where is Levi?
6/21/2021 c9 Andy1997
Welp, after reading all 9 chapters in this fic so far, I have no doubt that this has the potential to be one of my all time favorites!

First off, the use of germen language in a world undoubtedly inspired by certain... ahem, aspects of Germen culture is really good. Secondly, I'm loving the complete subversion this story is from it's canon counterpart! Without the first kings brainwashing and vow to renounce war, the whole island has been able to keep up with the rest of the world technology wise, plus considering all the unique and plentiful resources Paradis has (likely thanks to the titan powers) they will have access to technological innovations that the rest of the world can only dream of. Also, with the founders ability to heal the sick and wounded, we can assume that their population will be much bigger in this universe. If I had to guess, it would likely be around the population of the UK, maybe slightly more.

And best of all, seeing as Ymir (not the fritz) is in this story despite not having a titan, I think we can assume the founder has the ability to revert titans back to their human forms, without them needing to eat a shifter. This will not only give the island even more manpower, but also allow the inhabitants to settle the entire island, rather then be confined within the walls.

Mostly however, I love the subversion of the characters! Wears in canon we had the military of Paradis splintered and with differing opinions, here they are completely unified under one goal, and even the main cast of the 104th are happy to see Eren again, and vice versa. There will be no secrets kept from each other here! For now at least, the islanders seem a lot happier, let's see how long that lasts! Even small subversions, like having Historia be cold and distant during her cadet days rather then her fake bright and helpful persona in canon are things I love!

And specking of, it's great to see the goddess of the 104th live up to her moniker in this story! Historia with complete control of the Founder is a truly terrifying prospect... for non Eldians at least haha. Not only does she have the Founder, but she also seems to be the true sovereign of her kingdom, rather then just a puppet, and having her Attack Titan king with her will only amplify her image further. The only downside is that she will die in only 13 years, unless she and others can find a way to break the curse perhaps.

And finally, I am so happy this fic will have Erehisu in it! There aren't nearly enough fics out there with this pairing as I would like, so I'm always out on the lookout for more! Not only that, but most of them usually consist of Eren and Hisu keeping their relationship a secret, so it's nice to see them out in the open for a change. Hears hoping we will get some flashbacks to show us not only how they got their powers, but also how they fell in love and ended up marrying each other! And even though I can see that romance will not be the main focus for this fic, I still hope that you can give us plenty of moments between the king and queen of Eldia!

Hopefully we'll get to see Mikasa, Levi and even his original squad soon enough as well. Heck even Mike squad and Hange squad would be nice too!

So yeah, keep up the good work! Like you, I wasn't overly satisfied with the way canon ended, and those final 8 pages kinda ruined it all for me! I really hope this doesn't disillusion you from writing "AoT" fics, and that should you continue, you can give this story a much more satisfying ending! Take care now.
6/5/2021 c9 fahri.uchiha
Floch is always on the right side, xd
6/5/2021 c8 fahri.uchiha
So far so good for development
6/5/2021 c7 fahri.uchiha
Haha feel that!
6/5/2021 c6 fahri.uchiha
The rising of shogun
6/5/2021 c5 fahri.uchiha
6/5/2021 c4 fahri.uchiha
still a bit confused why the coup occurred. didn't the king fritz 145's wish fail?
6/5/2021 c3 fahri.uchiha
this should be Canon, xd
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