Just In
for Little Things

6/22/2024 c12 cerulean369
Loved this!
5/24/2024 c12 Guest
This story is honestly so fantastic, I rarely read fan fiction characters (especially OCs) that are so well rounded and I related so much to Jenna in parts that I actually teared up. It would be awesome if you came back to it but even if you don’t I just want you to know that you’re such a talented writer 3.
8/25/2023 c1 Tdarcey
Just hear to comment again that this story is so well written. I rarely find myself laughing out loud when I’m reading but I’ve found myself doing it a lot when reading this story. The banter, between any and all of the characters, is amazing. I really do hope you decide to come back to this story one day!
8/7/2023 c12 Goop42
This story is fantastic, I really hope you come back to it one day!
6/22/2023 c12 Tdarcey
This story is so amazing, I’ve read it twice! Please finish it!
2/18/2023 c6 hollywatson121
loved the intro... agar main kahoon... genius... took me a while to get there... let' see if there are more
2/6/2023 c12 inka363
I love your history ! I want the next chapter ! Pleaaaaaaaaase :D
1/28/2023 c4 Linnie
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! It's really funny. I had to jump up and down multiple times to not burst from excitement hihi. Great job. I think if you changed the names and maybe some other details you could publish this :)))
11/22/2022 c11 6royalpurple153
Medically speaking, acetaminophen is not a beta-blocker. An acetaminophen is an NSAID (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug) - MD, physiatrist.
8/8/2022 c12 mikitenshidevil
I really like this depiction of the two! theyre really cute to read. amazing ff
3/14/2022 c12 PolyPloy
This story is so cute. I really really love it!
3/14/2022 c8 PolyPloy
What a tsudeere couple. I love it. <3
1/30/2022 c12 4howdymercury
I adore this story! Can’t wait for more updates please <3
1/27/2022 c12 Jgbrowne
Please continue writing this, I love your writing style!
1/8/2022 c12 Procrastination Mistress
I love the way this is written, very logical with just enough teen foolishness and hormone driven reaction. I hope you update soon!
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