1/27 c23 Sheelahdog
This was so fun! I have literally been laughing out loud and people keep looking at me lol, I even had to read sections out loud to my husband. Thank you for the romp!
This was so fun! I have literally been laughing out loud and people keep looking at me lol, I even had to read sections out loud to my husband. Thank you for the romp!
1/25 c23 TennysonPoet
Not sure if bejng updated still but saved to favourites. Loving monty and its just a great story.
Not sure if bejng updated still but saved to favourites. Loving monty and its just a great story.
1/1 c23 patrickmgrimm
You've spun such a wonderful tale!
Keep Going! Keep Crafting your Wonderful World in the Vast ocean that is the Multiverse
May the Muses sing to you their song and help write the story you have drawn.
You've spun such a wonderful tale!
Keep Going! Keep Crafting your Wonderful World in the Vast ocean that is the Multiverse
May the Muses sing to you their song and help write the story you have drawn.
12/11/2024 c23 TheWhitlockGirl
Squeeeeeeeee an update. Gave me a great reason to read everything again. Can't wait to read more.
Squeeeeeeeee an update. Gave me a great reason to read everything again. Can't wait to read more.
12/3/2024 c13 Animeworld2.0
I hope this message finds you well. I run a YouTube channel called Infinity Harry (Channel link: Infinityharry), where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that prefers listening over reading.
I will give proper credit in the description of your story, will also share video link under your story review for your view and we respect authors and their copyright.
If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am ready to make changes according to your preferences.
I would appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission.
Thank you...
I hope this message finds you well. I run a YouTube channel called Infinity Harry (Channel link: Infinityharry), where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that prefers listening over reading.
I will give proper credit in the description of your story, will also share video link under your story review for your view and we respect authors and their copyright.
If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am ready to make changes according to your preferences.
I would appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission.
Thank you...
11/30/2024 c23
Aww, I'm all caught up. XD I loved this. Thank you so much for writing it!

Aww, I'm all caught up. XD I loved this. Thank you so much for writing it!
11/19/2024 c23
Ok... kinda wouldn't mind Harry getting another friend and have Monty wooo 'his' girl, yes being cague for NO SPOILERS but a snake, an owl, a dragon and why not the wing serpent..

Ok... kinda wouldn't mind Harry getting another friend and have Monty wooo 'his' girl, yes being cague for NO SPOILERS but a snake, an owl, a dragon and why not the wing serpent..
11/19/2024 c5 demonboy121986
Really like this story but if im honest, Victor qould have lost an eye and the chance to reproduce. Nothing less should be excepted. Doing what he did in the tournament... is jist wrong on so ,any levels and he should have been taken from his profession and forced to learn thing over one eyed. To cause death of unborn anything like a dragon is evil anyway you look. More so if they are intelligent like it is here. I honestly could see this Harry marching up to him, grabbing his short and just repeated puch the same eye. Cant be a good seaker one eyed. Vicky could try an say something but Harry... he killed a basilisk, has the scar and can look Vicky in the eyes and ask if he wants an up close and personal demonstration with the fang he pulled out.. Yes we all know Harry might follow threw but personally i think it be funny as hell reading even in an omake how Vicky pissed himself in fear over his wrong choice. Nesting mother and you cause her to kill her kids... you should be permanently injured in a few ways for that act against mother magic.
Really like this story but if im honest, Victor qould have lost an eye and the chance to reproduce. Nothing less should be excepted. Doing what he did in the tournament... is jist wrong on so ,any levels and he should have been taken from his profession and forced to learn thing over one eyed. To cause death of unborn anything like a dragon is evil anyway you look. More so if they are intelligent like it is here. I honestly could see this Harry marching up to him, grabbing his short and just repeated puch the same eye. Cant be a good seaker one eyed. Vicky could try an say something but Harry... he killed a basilisk, has the scar and can look Vicky in the eyes and ask if he wants an up close and personal demonstration with the fang he pulled out.. Yes we all know Harry might follow threw but personally i think it be funny as hell reading even in an omake how Vicky pissed himself in fear over his wrong choice. Nesting mother and you cause her to kill her kids... you should be permanently injured in a few ways for that act against mother magic.
11/19/2024 c4 demonboy121986
Any story qhere Luna n Hermione get along... just means bad news like 99% of yhe time for anyone against them or Harry...
Any story qhere Luna n Hermione get along... just means bad news like 99% of yhe time for anyone against them or Harry...
11/15/2024 c23 Motherofthehorde
Great story.
Will happily read more as you write it.
Great story.
Will happily read more as you write it.
11/8/2024 c22 Pointer3109
Most raptors eat snakes.
Sometimes they store them for later by pinning them on a tree thorn or barb wire fence.
You can see them dangling while you drive down the road.
Fun read.
Most raptors eat snakes.
Sometimes they store them for later by pinning them on a tree thorn or barb wire fence.
You can see them dangling while you drive down the road.
Fun read.