Just In
for The Tales Of A New Olympian

23h c29 Guueest
As someone who has watched legally blonde that is a good choice
1/8 c56 Guest
Ah yes the favs all gathered in one room
12/24/2024 c56 11WCLC
I hope they’ll be able to rebuild the house. I have a feeling that a certain daughter of Demeter will be joining the harem in the future. I hope Silena will be okay.
12/23/2024 c56 Guest
katie? cheating? I think none of us saw that. I wonder what and how happened
12/23/2024 c56 22Clavyus
Silena is my favorite character in this fic. Good aftermath chapter.
12/23/2024 c56 Jon
Awesome a new chapter! Good build up. The favs in the same room now
12/23/2024 c56 chriskidd2001
Man that hurts Selina greatest achievement is no more poor Juniper and Mrs.O'Leary
12/2/2024 c29 Haloman5988
this chapter... gold.
see this is the stuff.
ps. Is "Fierce Charlie" a good writer name for fanfiction?
also, as a pilot myself, don't make the mistake i did and apply for fighter pilot. not as awesome as Top Gun. less volleyball and sexy blondes, more missile and parachute training
12/2/2024 c28 Haloman5988
is something going to happen with Artemis or what?
also can you send me the link to the Discord. im starting my own Percy Jackson series, and want some advice from the Masters. you included
11/3/2024 c24 Guest
Good shit
11/1/2024 c43 Point break
This is really an amazing story I really do think the plot is handled really well. It’s one of those I came for the smut but stayed for the plot kinda things. The handling of the characters is really good and I’m also really glad you choose to take your time rather than rush to make Percy have sex with everyone just because.

also I wasn’t originally gonna say anything but the part that says Percy lost his shirt says he he lost his shift instead. This one just bothered my more than any of the other mistakes I’ve noticed and decided to mention it.

I look forward to eventually seeing what the Reyna plot line looks like though I suspect that won’t come to fruition for a good long while so I’ll be sticking with this one
10/30/2024 c2 7Takamura Rules
It reads way better than when I first read this all those years ago but you still have some unsplit dialogue where two characters talk in the same paragraph and some unintentional character swaps where "Percy" is saying Poseidon's line and character action being put in dialogue brackets.

Will keep reading to see what else has changed.
10/28/2024 c17 3Blackplant
I'll read on, but I think I should mention this as a courtesy: You use of question marks (?) is quite often incorrect. You often don't use them where you should, and you also use them way too often as a substitute for the exclamation mark (!). It huts the flow of the story a bit.
10/27/2024 c55 sharkyshooter
great chapter
love the whole thing
10/20/2024 c55 Jon
If I’m honest I do miss the smut
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