Just In
for The Tales Of A New Olympian

7/26/2023 c46 cameron1812
Love it all:)
6/19/2023 c45 Donxq419
Love this scene and wanna see more!
6/15/2023 c45 superninja123aa
id like some more spotlight on reyna in this fic.
apart from semi-common grammar mistakes, its great. keep it up!
6/14/2023 c43 cameron1812
Always excellent and I love that you are bringing in the Amazons
5/28/2023 c45 5J915WinterKing
Wow... Keep them coming Henry, this was both Hot and incredible.
5/25/2023 c45 Guest
Great writing!
5/22/2023 c44 J915WinterKing
Great Chap, even tho it was short.
5/17/2023 c4 2Account B-145347
Chapter 4 is messed up in the middle. I think you tried updating it, because it now has two copies of the same narrative elements stuck together
5/15/2023 c45 HellRaiderS
Loved it perfect chapter keep the updates coming
5/15/2023 c45 30ricojohn
Nice chapter. Can’t wait for more
5/14/2023 c45 Jon
Great new chapter!

Disagree with the other comments that kids should be introduced any time soon
5/14/2023 c45 ArachnidHiveMind
Quick fact check: Piper repeatedly fought Empousa in the Blood of Olympus series, the best example being in the House of Hades when she worked to counter their charm speak (and made the Empousa start tearing each other up)
5/14/2023 c45 chriskidd2001
Oh Piper your getting what she desired I can't wait for the next story Arch
5/13/2023 c45 evilstatistic19
Good chapter looking forward to the next one
5/13/2023 c45 Garfungo
Excellent chapter once again. I’m excited to see where the plot goes! Hoping to see a certain demi Titan in the future.
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