Just In
for The Tales Of A New Olympian

11/10/2020 c2 58Thunderwolf7226
A harem fic without Annabeth? About time!
11/10/2020 c2 ThatA1perico807
Great story,man Percy and Artemis married that would be great
And his harem members could be in this one too
11/7/2020 c1 MasterOfChaos72
Any chance Zoe and/or Thalia are in the harem? They’re my favourite PJO girls.
11/9/2020 c1 6thunderofdeath97
tbh i don't really like artemis as a wife, she is overused, over rated, and overhyped, as a harem member i can tolerate her though, personally i would prefer someone unique as his wife, like nyx, gaea, or selene, with other unique women in the harem like rhea, tethys, etc. lol
11/8/2020 c1 Wumertil
Zoe? That would explain Hades' gift.
Looking forward to your new story.
11/7/2020 c1 12RWBY Lover 25
This is a nice start man I'm looking forward to this story as a Weiss I actually wouldn't mind to see Khione but that's just me hag
11/7/2020 c1 TriainaMoon
Wow that’s some palace seems fit for lots of girls
I can’t figure out who’s in the collar but I think it’s Hades gift
Khione Or Artemis as the wife is exciting Artemis could be forced into the role
11/7/2020 c1 39Ronnie R15
Personally I like Percy ending up with Artemis as his wife.
11/7/2020 c1 6Yaw6113
Artemis is my choice for Percy’s wife. Thank you in advance. Please write the next chapter already. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
11/7/2020 c1 ThatA1perico807
Great work like always it started great
11/7/2020 c1 PrincessLinkin1
It's a really nice beginning if not a little short, and I look forward to updates.
11/7/2020 c1 27redlox2
hmm interesting turn having in the main "ship" (for the selection screen) by ANnabeth and Piper? does that mean they will be more into themselves then Percy?
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