Just In
for The Tales Of A New Olympian

2/7/2024 c51 30ricojohn
Nice chapter
2/7/2024 c28 A Cultured Man
Man percys life is getting crazy, good work my man. I wonder what this new dotrine annabeth refers to is. Serously though at this rate when percys new sibling learns about the supernatural he'll hear his brothers reputation and become disillusioned with him, lol. "You gotta belive me their is a perfectly ration explanation for how things gor to this point."
2/6/2024 c51 chriskidd2001
Oh boy things are going to be getting complicated way more
2/6/2024 c11 A Cultured Man
Honestly this is way better than i thought it would be, good job and good luck wih your pilot training. I look forward to whats next.
2/5/2024 c51 cameron1812
pretty caj post murder, lol. Moving in
2/5/2024 c51 11WCLC
The house is getting more packed. I wonder what will happen next. Are Annabeth and Piper moving in permanently, though? As titillating as the sex is, I’m eager for the plot.
2/5/2024 c51 evilstatistic19
Good chapter. I'm looking forward to the next one.
1/29/2024 c4 Guest
"Sex, there will be a lot of sex in this story, just a bit more patience."

Gonna be real with you. Only time i like this in a story is if it helps the story. I can tell just by your talking that yours wont. In fact your story came after the idea of sex. I wanted sex id go watch some porn, and definitely not by you. Disappointing.
1/23/2024 c49 1Balthazar the Unworthy
Imma be honest, i don't even care for the smut at this point. I'm here for the plot. It's been pretty great!
1/11/2024 c50 Guest
Binged the entire story over the past week or so. Will say I was originally very excited about a Percy/Silena story as it's by far my favorite rare-pair, and was disappointed when she was sidelined for Annabeth. Still happy with how the stories progressed though - I love all the characters except Juniper.

That being said, is Annabeth meant to come off as... slutty(?) as she is portrayed in the story? By far the horniest character in a story that includes 2 Aphrodite children and a Nymph is definitely not what I imagined. Still happy with her, don't get me wrong, just different.

If I may make a suggestion, keep Thalia just a friend. Their brother/sister-like interactions so far have been great, going down the harem route from there would just be... offputting.

Great story! Looking forward to Act 2! More Silena is always going to be appreciated :)
1/9/2024 c11 3Twilightlover1234567890
its almost 2am. i need sleep. got class tomorrow, but loving this story so far and will read more soon
12/24/2023 c1 venom9973
Ive can got hope for artemis to join the family
12/22/2023 c50 Guest
I would personally like to see more of your take on Drew or Bianca, based on your past stories although I admit that this may not work here. Similar for Calypso but Drew is definitely a character that i think I've only seen you write well. Have a good Holiday season
12/20/2023 c50 Me Myself And I 777
I am very much looking forward to the second plot Arc my friend keep them coming but no need to rush yourself
12/20/2023 c50 chriskidd2001
well I'm excited for the story Arc 2
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