Just In
for Killer Vacation: The 45th Hunger Games SYOT Parody

1/27/2022 c22 65LadyCordeliaStuart
technically Polly shouldn't have been Reaped, since she's not from Panem and all.

OOh, halfway through already! And still no indication of who will win because all these people are so bizarre.

A big RIP to Myra who was pretty evil and had no reason to win so not really RIP to be honest.
1/27/2022 c22 2cassy2002xo
Tehehe Perfecta still alive for some reason I thought she ded
1/18/2022 c21 65LadyCordeliaStuart
Love me some sponsors. If my people make it perhaps I will send them something. or perhaps not for I am a cruel mistress.

Wow it would hurt to get bonked by a magic 8 ball. Good thing it had a parachute.

Wow POlly going full Thanos over here.

Fun fact Rosemary COULD feel something hit her head and still medically be in a coma. Comas cover a wide range and can go from vegetative to indistinguishable from a normal person in some cases.
1/16/2022 c21 2cassy2002xo
I’m rooting for Perfecta
1/16/2022 c21 35SilverflowerXRavenpaw
Oh I was afraid for Mara when Sanguis saw the parachute. I was worried he would get her. I'm so glad she has a pretty eight ball. Probably the prettiest thing she'll ever get to see lol

Also an EGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. You'd think that was me but it wasn't. You got me good. Ho ho ho.

Also I think the not-you POV was Splinter
1/16/2022 c20 66samvr
Imagine if the coma girl wins.
1/15/2022 c20 Tinks
9 bloodbaths woooooo big number
1/15/2022 c20 65LadyCordeliaStuart
Surprising accuracy here that a girl in a coma for that long would have atrophied to a very light weight.

True, Aggra. This IS gnarly and not in a good way. Poor Aggra was just here to surf and to ride boards on water and to skateboard but on the ocean.

RIP to all the poor souls lost. Such tragedy has not been matched in real or fake history.

Mood, Dora Claire. Mood.
1/15/2022 c20 2cassy2002xo
Yay, cannot wait to see what happens next!
1/15/2022 c20 35SilverflowerXRavenpaw

I was lowkey expecting Rosemary to cause a chain reaction by rolling off her pedestal but this is also good. And I actually really like Gary's death - he got to maintain his character instead of being destroyed by the Games.

On the other hand, this was a good Bloodbath! You've always had POVs on the shorter side and it really works for you this chapter - it makes the reader really feel the terror of the tributes. I loved it :D
1/13/2022 c19 66samvr
Can we get an F in the chat for our blown up boys
1/13/2022 c19 LittleAvery88
This was a good chapter! Excited to see how the rest of the games go down!
1/13/2022 c19 2cassy2002xo
1/13/2022 c19 65LadyCordeliaStuart
This is so sad play despacito. Two innocents are already lost. Two beautiful souls cut down by callous tyrants. I don't know why they're not teaching this book in English class. I haven't stopped crying since I started.

LMAO imagine submitting someone to a parody Games and being mad when they die in a silly way
1/13/2022 c19 35SilverflowerXRavenpaw
Mad respect for "Yeah go ahead and resub I don't freaking care"

I predicted that there'd be some deaths (although I assumed it would be Rosemary lol). I'm glad for the chaos! Always chaos
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