Just In
for Appearances Can Be Deceiving

7/20/2023 c5 Splanckton
Lets go! Cant wait for the chaos.

Aizawa will be mad by the time those two comr inyo the class
Glad Nedzu (and therefore the Author) sees the deductions as a bit far fetched too. But the eay Yagi presented it does maki it seem believable. So props there
7/20/2023 c4 Splanckton
Poor Naomasa. Love Izuku growing a backbone and yeah, Watanabe us right about all the assumptions made. All Might rly was quite dense like Torino pointed out.
Love the tsukauchi scene. And of course NEDZU
Cant wait to see what the minions drum up.
7/20/2023 c3 Splanckton
Now, this! This I loved. The nuance between Watanabe and Izuku is awesome. And I could see someone like him take down Bakugou since neither has quirk training yet.
7/20/2023 c2 Splanckton
Phase 1? 0_0
Altho All Might really woud have noticed Watanabe. He aintt that dumb
7/20/2023 c1 Splanckton
Not really an OC lover but I'll give this a shot since it has a pretty good following it seems.

The intelligence genes really run in the family huh? Cant wait to see some ass kicked (I hope!)
7/17/2023 c64 Ramsay
Oooof, nice ending line.

Meanwhile Nedzu and undercover kaminadi be like
7/11/2023 c63 Ramsay
Unexpected to see 1B coming in guns firing so soon (well as soon as 160k words allow)

Even more unexpected to see Watanabe's spy theory but it feels forced. I get the idea behind it, but if it were to be true, it would turn out cliche, so I hope it's just there for some angst or smtn and not a major plot point.

Hope to see new updates soon :p
7/11/2023 c62 Ramsay
Eyyy, that's my name! Thanks for including it lol. Had to reread the entire thing cuz i forgot lol
7/9/2023 c62 Guest
I was reading this chapter to remember; when i see my name xd thx author
4/7/2023 c1 1The Dark Sapphire
Ugh, I hate the argument that All Might only said Izuku could be a hero if he got One For All. If that were the case, he would have given the quirk to anyone. No, they had to have that heroic heart first, and One For All was just a way to help them along the way to achieve being a great hero.
4/2/2023 c62 ILikeFanfiction4296
I like the idea of you using your reviewers usernames as forum names in the story its an interesting idea, it's kinda like we are a part of the story in some way or another. I think I even saw mine in the story.
4/2/2023 c62 MajorChaos13
I did a spitstake when I saw my name. then i couldn't stop laughing. feel free to use it whenever you need. Great story and I love the dadmight conspiracy.
2/15/2023 c8 denpalada
Author genius. Chaos the best
2/6/2023 c39 Alex Rueda Segura
I'll buy the nomu thing, it seems plausible to me
2/4/2023 c61 ILikeFanfiction4296
I like the conversations in this chapter and glad to see a new chapter.
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