Just In
for Appearances Can Be Deceiving

10/19/2021 c54 14WOKELAND
Two fights and a few little scenes with Mirai, I like it. In the first fight, I like how strategic Uraraka is, even though he has a disadvantage and very zero physical offense, he ends up credibly winning this. The other combat fulfills its functionality of humiliating a character, with that I say everything.

The following are very interesting, but more interesting will be the resolution of this arc far apart from the tournament, something as chaotic as the previously seen so far from this fanfic.
10/17/2021 c53 WOKELAND
Make these chapters so short for each fight and that accumulates the amount because it turns out to extend this arc much more than necessary, more when you leave aside the interesting part (like Watanabe's father). And about this chapter itself, at least the tension that you give to the fight is very interesting and that in Watanabe it is not with much advantage, and it has more disadvantages on its side, it only remains to be seen how it ended as a result.
10/12/2021 c53 Ramsay
Oh boy, All for one ks really confused huh, lol!

Tsuyu's fight was so amazing. Just back and forth. She put up a good fight
10/10/2021 c53 ArAArA
For some reason, i can't help but feel like all for one is less competent here than what he actually is in canon. Thats just me though. Other than that, i like this fic. I lost count on how many times i cackled like a full blown evil scientist complete with thunder and lightning special effects in the background.

Keep up the good work. Thanks.
10/5/2021 c52 spudtato
this is the biggest ass pull I've ever seen. I'm sorry, but this fic is just getting worse and worse for me. Watanabe is such a cool character, but it seems his only use is to suck off Midoriya.
10/3/2021 c52 WOKELAND
At last, a fight where it is credible that Izuku frees himself from mind control and finds out the blind spots of this quirk. Short fight, but I like it.
10/1/2021 c51 WOKELAND
An entertaining chapter that leads to Denki Vs Shoto, interesting development you gave to this fight and its result, not making it very predictable ... which ironically could be expected because you have shown little seen results every time a story adapts this arc.

Ok, that last detail Dabi is funny, even though he hates trying to relate to his family, he always ends up having some defining characteristic of them...
9/27/2021 c51 WanderingTales
I love this chapter as it just goes to show that the two are in fact brothers.
9/25/2021 c5 Animebonker2020
Oh no not a mini nedzu
9/25/2021 c51 jarjarhead
HAHAHAHAAHAHA how the turn tables
9/22/2021 c50 Ramsay
Chapter title really fitting the theme here
9/20/2021 c50 3CoffeesOut
This is the second story of yours I've sped through today! I should probably focus on my studies but you kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time I was reading. I'm looking forward to seeing more from this story as well!
9/8/2021 c49 Ramsay
Oh and also using the density to justify mass
9/8/2021 c49 Ramsay
A fanfic using actual laws of physics to determine a fight
Me: impossible!
Seriously tho, associating the mass decrease with velocity was incredible
9/1/2021 c48 14WOKELAND
Well, well, what an interesting chapter. Especially an advance with the redemption of Katsuki, which is to become friends with Watanabe ... which was impossible because of how badly they got along in this whole fic. The next round fights look very interesting.

Good chapter.
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