Just In
for Saving Dobby

2/25/2022 c1 KongoBongo
this was great boom boom done :D
11/2/2021 c1 N7SPARTAN-Commander-Jay117
10/30/2021 c1 Cwhit930
More dobby. Thanks for the one shot
6/10/2021 c1 N. A. Wennerholm
i do wish that Tom got a very public Spanking from mummy Merope Gaunt-Potter. That would have been humiliating. But getting dragged by his Wedding Tackle family Jewels probably been as well along with painful.
4/29/2021 c1 1Calmzone1
Lol. Too funny. I will have to go and read them all, but not now. Soon. Very intriguing.
1/8/2021 c1 Phoenix
This is really good I hope for a one shot sequel.
12/2/2020 c1 steve.moore.9081323
Where’s dobby
11/29/2020 c1 Fallow57
xXx KUDOS xXx : )
11/22/2020 c1 Qul
Nice one-shot!
11/20/2020 c1 Jaylyn Rui
I like the story
Maybe you could write about the meeting between MoD!Harry and good!Weasley for sequel?
11/19/2020 c1 John
A very good story. I am not a good writer or a writer in fact, but it is a good piece of fiction. Hats-off to you.
11/18/2020 c1 9mysweetkat
Save Dobby save the wizarding world! Update soon.
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