Just In
for Road of Domination Re-Done

2/1/2024 c1 11GK
Can you keep going with this please
9/20/2023 c2 cobin.michael
Waah! I want more! Boo Hoo! Blah blah blah.
10/16/2022 c1 Dwyer 15
Next chapter please
3/21/2022 c1 wolfy22390
I love both of the domination stories wish it would continute
1/22/2022 c1 Guest
Hello Slavic Warrior, can you make more chapters please, I don’t give a damn about typos or not, because all I want for Christmas is for Rias Gremory to suffer for what that bitch did to Issei Hyoudou.
1/17/2022 c1 dustinlemque
where is the next chapter of the story please let me know please
1/12/2022 c1 BIGD666
O man can’t wait for this I loved your other story can’t wait to see how you take it tho my own opinion I liked having Ravel and Rose in the Harem
12/12/2021 c2 Brayden Shulda
I’m guessing he dropped this story by his longs it’s been which is a bummer because this is probably my top 5 fanfics to read but I hope he does come back to finish it.
9/30/2021 c2 Guest
If Issei gets more allies, would you add Rexy (from Jurassic Park, think of a catgirl but with razor sharp teeth, claws and a tail) or King Kong. Add them or not, no matter what choice I’ll be happy.
7/21/2021 c2 Sageofchaos
hope to read more.
3/27/2021 c2 dustinlemque
where are the next chapter of this story please let me know if you can
3/21/2021 c2 dustinlemque
where is the next chapter of this story please let me know if you can
1/13/2021 c2 Jehu
Now I’m interested, let’s see where this goes
1/7/2021 c1 NataS666
Oohhh, nice! One of my favourite stories getting rewritten to be EVEN better? Nice!
1/7/2021 c2 LexiPeeko
Awesome chapter! I hope you update this soon!
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