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for Geostorm

2/4/2021 c6 Guest
I hope you update Geostorm more often please
2/4/2021 c6 3Brucasfamily
please update soon please
2/1/2021 c6 Guest
I miss the story I help you update soon Please
1/27/2021 c4 Brucasfamily
How old is Leo and Wiley please update soon
1/3/2021 c6 Guest
Please update soon
12/28/2020 c6 20jrchandlerfan1
Chrissyfan-Foxy reviewed my new Christmas story if you want to head over and say hello :)

Thank you for the reviews. I'm enjoying writing for Anastasia LOL. She's fun to write for. I'm trying to write her as a mix of Sarah (two-faced) and a Spencer (ie the stealing).

So my goal is to have another chapter posted before tonight! Would be nice to write more too, but depends how fast I write today lol.
12/28/2020 c6 Chrissyfan
Great update but you are going to kill me with that cliff hanger. Hope Jake and Aiden will be okay. Little Miss Spencer isn't as smart as she thinks she is. Apparently she hasn't learned not to drop something personal at the scene of the crime. Their lack of concern over their mom being ill is weird though. Has Sarah nattered and ruled and regulated them so much they are enjoying the slight vacation from her? Loved Jason being a good dad and Elizabeth telling him I am going with you, he is my kid too. I like Sam in sleuth mode, it suits her and she is still there for her kids as well.
12/27/2020 c6 5KittyKat06
Re: the spoilers about Sam/Dante bonding. Well, they share two siblings (Kristina and Leo) plus have six degrees of separation themselves - Dante's (ex) wife's brother is Sam's cousin - so I'm voting for them staying platonic friends and not having the show hook them up. Which probably means the show will hook them up :/

Yay! Sam is being a detective and figuring all of it out! It took me a minute to figure out why cupcakes would be sent to Brooklyn, though. I figured out that Jax, Dante, Julian, Drew, Tracy and Sarah were spouses of Cassadines and Spencers.

Uh-oh, Kevin/Laura, don't eat the pancakes Anastasia made! Noted that neither she nor Enzo care for or about their mother very much...interesting ;)

Uh-oh! Jake and Aiden! Aiden is a Spencer...
12/27/2020 c6 Spemma mason
I hope Jake and Aiden live please update soon
12/27/2020 c1 Chrissyfan
I'd be okay if Britt was a rebound, even if I didn't get Liason again. I just cannot imagine a long term Jason and Britt pairing which is probably hypocritical because I can picture a Sam and Dante pairing. Drew coming back would be great. I wonder if they can get BM back. I wasn't a fan of JMB's Lulu, the actress is fine but Lulu was such a brat. I guess she was simply channeling her Spencer DNA. If we get that kind of Lulu, then I would hard core Champion Sam and Dante, just to keep him safe from getting mired in Spencerville. Yep, I'm still not in any kind of like for the Spencer family. Luckily for Aiden he has Elizabeth's DNA and is cute as can be.

Your new story is simply amazing. It is great as a stand alone but I could see potential for expansion if you ever choose to.
12/27/2020 c5 jrchandlerfan
I just posted a Christmas one-shot. I'm going to take a little break, then try to work on Geostorm. I also have tomorrow off, so hopefully I can at least have one chapter posted :)

I'm reading different things. Some things are saying that Sam and Dante will be chem testing, and other things are saying they'll just be friends and that both Lulu and Drew will be returning next summer. I would be good with both those scenarios, though the last scenario is my preference. But they're also saying that Lulu is going to go back to her roots and to do that they need a stronger actress :/ I like ER and her version of Lulu. She's more like Laura as opposed to being like Luke.

I understand what you're saying about Elizabeth not getting any family. I hope Hayden will return and maybe Steve. But it would be nice if her parents came as well.

I get that you wouldn't like Jason and Britt. I would be fine with it, I just want Jasam to be over that I would take just about anything at this point. Maybe it'll just be a temporary thing to give Jason a story until they finally break up Friz? It might be better if Britt is the rebound so she can get the animosity from Jasam fans instead of Elizabeth. Then once more time has past maybe Liason could be a go. But I know so much time has past already.
12/26/2020 c1 Chrissyfan
I can see how it can be secure in having a pay check but scary in terms of this virus. I was around the grands yesterday one who goes to school and I love them but I kept thinking is this going to backfire?

Danny has been separated from Jason the greater part of his life and Scout should be missing her Daddy on Christmas, so you are correct they have gone without Jason for longer than a couple days.

Interesting. Sam and Dante could be very pretty together but I am betting it is more of a platonic friendship thing. I wonder if she finds him having and anxiety attack and talks him through it and they bond a bit from their.

Jason dating Britt? Oh heck no! It had better darn well be for an ulterior motive like getting info on Cyrus. But, I suppose Jason has never been allowed to date anyone else in the last 10 to 15 years, he has pinged between Elizabeth and Sam but they have dated and married others. So in that respect it is fair. I just don't see the possibility of any chemistry. Britt is annoying.

I loved Michael Knight in AMC, he seemed to have some spark with Genie as did Jeff. It was a different dynamic that I probably could have enjoyed (Lulu being in a coma is not a bit deal to me, she'll come out of it at some point) The stickler for me is still yet more newbie's getting family. At this point, bloody heck I would root for Jeff Webber to have been even more careless and Spin and Elizabeth are siblings. I just want my girl to have at least one of her siblings and have a show down with her neglectful parents. Which will never happen but that is what makes fanfic superior to the show itself.

Hopeful your muse will pick this story to update.
12/25/2020 c5 jrchandlerfan
Hey, so I'm reading upcoming spoilers. This is a legit spoiler, not a rumour.

#GH - Sam & Dante bond. {Jan 8}

Now two days before is this:

#GH - Jason pays Sam a visit. {Jan 5}

Other than that, no Jasam spoilers in the next couple weeks. Now Sam/Dante... hmm. Question is, how do they bond and why? They haven't had much to do with each other before. Lulu left (in a coma) and they divorced last year. Sam technically broke up with Jason, but invited to sleep over for Christmas. There's still a lot of rumours that Jason and Britt are going to date. Are they going there with Sam and Dante? I have always wanted to see them together, and I liked their chemistry in Sonny's dream when they were married (even though Dante was a mobster in said dream). It's just the fact that Sonny and Sam were an item and even had a child together... I still wish that never happened, but erase Sonny from the scenario I would like to see Sam and Dante give it a go. I know I'm jumping too far ahead, but it's fun to speculate.
12/25/2020 c5 jrchandlerfan
Hi Chrissyfan, Merry Christmas! We got a white one-I was so happy! Is it snowing there too?

As of now, daycares are staying open. I have mixed feelings. But it's probably a good thing. I am off until Tuesday though, so that's nice :) i'm hoping to write something, anything while I'm off lol. I hope your work is going well.

I have mixed feelings about Laura/Martin/Cyrus as well. I kind of enjoyed the dynamic, and I'm glad their making Martin somewhat more interesting (he was my mom's heart throb on AMC, so she wants him to stay) His scenes with Laura were sweet, and it's nice that Laura is having such a big role right now, between her and Anna it's surprising for their age group to have such prominent roles on the show, so I think that's a good thing. But does everyone have to be connected to a mobster?

Sam invited Jason to sleepover Christmas eve :/ It was all of about two days in GH time since she kicked him out, but she misses him and the kids were upset that he wasn't there to hang stockings, rme. I'm pretty sure he's been gone for longer periods of time than that. I'm still giving her that chance. Alexis compared Sam's obsession with Jason to an addiction, so if she is just having a relapse in that addiction, maybe she'll have some back and forths. But that chance won't last long, so something better happen fast or I'm totally on the "Monica fight for custody of the kids" ship.
12/25/2020 c1 Chrissyfan
Hey Chrissy- Merry Christmas.
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