Just In
for Optimistic Game: Revised

7/9 c67 2AvidReader2425
I have no idea with the orange site is lol, thanks for another great chapter. Excited to see what happens next.
7/9 c67 17linkiepie2214
Daughter with magic give a spark unconsciously to her mama when her and emotional state became unstable.
7/9 c67 evilstatistic19
Good chapter. I'm looking forward to the next one.
7/9 c67 Deathwing
I really hope that Raven Branwen will be a part of Reids Harem.
7/9 c67 Guest
complicated is a mild way to describe the relationship and feelings between Yang and Raven
7/9 c67 1melone71009
Yippee its here
7/9 c67 PasiveNox
Great chapter wonderful wonderful
7/9 c67 1Nai Darkor
Ok, that’s a surprise.
7/9 c67 Neo Infinity
Thanks for great chapter quite the awkward ending.
7/9 c67 28epic insanity666
i have the feeling Yangs magical outburst seeped into Raven due to a mother and daughter connection
7/7 c30 1Havenone2324
The game really fucked him up not giving him his levels now his stressing out to weak and even the god is telling him to chill the game needs to hook him up good soon
6/27 c60 Guest
I still wish we could have seen Ozpins face when Ruby said that. Reactions like those are the kind of things I live for.
6/25 c18 Havenone2324
Try to make a supream barrack suply line so all golems from them will be a better grade
6/23 c65 sol.leksthewolf2021
Draconian Remnant mentions the Geist Titan that Tai and crew ran into, but only briefly, and under a different name. Thought you might want to know that, Mirlnir.
6/22 c58 HachiHachi808
Not a lot of authors have managed to make me like Weiss' character, but somehow you succeded where they failed. Thank you for the awesome story, bro.
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