Just In
for Optimistic Game: Revised

6/22 c1 2Uzumaki Creed
I like the concept, i havent watched RWBY so most characters are a blank to me….. Ried though is kinda anticlimatic…. He seems forcefully edgy and instinctual even with something like gamers mind there to capm him down…. Getting his heart pierced like three times now and not dying has made me a little less worried about his health because after a battle he is perfectly fine…

Then there is the plot that does not seem to go anywhere….. i get he is leveling up but when you have half of every chapter talking about skills and not the story itself then it feels like reading a manual and not playing a game…..

I will continue reading though…i have had a writers block and altough i mainly mentioned negative things because that is human nature… i will say i have been enjoying the read and some of the antics from RIED the edgelord as ive come to call him
6/21 c66 evilstatistic19
Good chapter. I'm looking forward to the next one.
6/20 c52 1melone71009
The reason we don’t give feed back is because most of us are introverts
6/19 c22 Guest
I decided to reread this just for fun and I came across this old Quest that I'm not entirely sure if he got the rewards for.
Quest added

[Seeds of God-Defying Magic]

Objective: Grant magic to five females

Bonus Objective: Grant magic to ten females

Rewards: 5000 Credits, 5000 EXP, Special Observe Upgrade, 1 Gacha Token

Bonus Rewards: 7500 Credits, 7500 EXP, [Alluring Gaze] Perk

Time Limit: 6 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days
6/18 c66 9sd74
Ahahahhaha, she should see her face!

On a side note, no Tyrian pov or soon?
6/17 c66 demissedwaifu
And he's back ~
6/17 c66 Numbet1ebaystoregmail
it's nice to see ozpin in the dark gives him a taste of what everyone else pts up with around him
6/16 c7 Guest
Wait a minute, was that a shoto Todoroki reference I saw? Awesome.
6/16 c66 7Spedyalarm
6/16 c66 1Nai Darkor
Drama everywhere on Remant.
6/15 c66 Fire turtle
I wonder what Sienna magic is going to be. Maybe lava, or maybe lightning? Or will she get Shadow Magic just like Blake?
6/15 c66 Guest
love it
6/15 c66 7littleditto
Another great addition
6/15 c59 Macilnar
So even after acknowledging that she should have aimed to kill Adam before, when she gets the chance she knocks him unconscious instead.
6/15 c66 WOLF-GOST
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