7/25/2024 c68 Guest
Mmm, thats whatchu get for mouthing off on a nuke shaped like a man like reid
hasnt she met Ironwood? not all of Ozpins allies are save everyone types
im pretty sure James would totally beat ravens ass for her bitchyness if someone doesnt calm him down, or he uses his sociopath semblance that turns him into a robo human or someone physically stops him from doing so
but yeah, tell her reid
Raven aint nothing but an idiotic flighty coward XD
although i hope reid makes a souls sucker pokeball or something to contain the maiden powers if he does kill raven from her sheer self distructiveness
it would be kinda hard for Reids comrades if cinder got all ravens magic
i mean Reid could literally omniman hand spear cinder through the heart with soru and shit but he aint omnipresent
hed be playing the biggest game of among us with a human shaped bomb terrorist
with 4 (5 countries if you count salems domain) as the maps for his hunts
he might be almost omniscient within his area of effecr with his observation haki but he aint omnipresent yet
kinda hope he gets or maybe makes it from scratch the flying thundergod to be almost omnipresent tho
he could make rings for his girls to wear so he could be a teleport away from them in at any time
and maybe some
Mmm, thats whatchu get for mouthing off on a nuke shaped like a man like reid
hasnt she met Ironwood? not all of Ozpins allies are save everyone types
im pretty sure James would totally beat ravens ass for her bitchyness if someone doesnt calm him down, or he uses his sociopath semblance that turns him into a robo human or someone physically stops him from doing so
but yeah, tell her reid
Raven aint nothing but an idiotic flighty coward XD
although i hope reid makes a souls sucker pokeball or something to contain the maiden powers if he does kill raven from her sheer self distructiveness
it would be kinda hard for Reids comrades if cinder got all ravens magic
i mean Reid could literally omniman hand spear cinder through the heart with soru and shit but he aint omnipresent
hed be playing the biggest game of among us with a human shaped bomb terrorist
with 4 (5 countries if you count salems domain) as the maps for his hunts
he might be almost omniscient within his area of effecr with his observation haki but he aint omnipresent yet
kinda hope he gets or maybe makes it from scratch the flying thundergod to be almost omnipresent tho
he could make rings for his girls to wear so he could be a teleport away from them in at any time
and maybe some
7/23/2024 c51 Havenone2324
Van we get a info page of all his students teachers and allys semblance magic affinity and stats maybe what moves there made like yangs fire armour and rubds light bomb/beam and light sword
Van we get a info page of all his students teachers and allys semblance magic affinity and stats maybe what moves there made like yangs fire armour and rubds light bomb/beam and light sword
7/22/2024 c68 GrimScarlet
Why would anyone want to kill Raven she’s literally the second hottest female character after Salem.
Why would anyone want to kill Raven she’s literally the second hottest female character after Salem.
7/22/2024 c68 yahiro365
fantastic. Great dialogue with this Raven situation. Really enjoyed the pacing of this chapter
fantastic. Great dialogue with this Raven situation. Really enjoyed the pacing of this chapter
7/22/2024 c35 Havenone2324
I hope when gwyn learns magic he just spams magic missiles while zooming around the battle field
I hope when gwyn learns magic he just spams magic missiles while zooming around the battle field
7/22/2024 c35 Havenone2324
Summon shego or some female villin cape and make her a crome lord so you can just take over
Summon shego or some female villin cape and make her a crome lord so you can just take over
7/21/2024 c68 Guest
Well raven done fucked up hopefully she can reconcile and make it up to Yang before he kills her
Well raven done fucked up hopefully she can reconcile and make it up to Yang before he kills her
7/21/2024 c68 Eddyg125
How the heck does she not know about him being the Titan slayer or did she really have the balls to talk smack to him? Good chapter
How the heck does she not know about him being the Titan slayer or did she really have the balls to talk smack to him? Good chapter