Just In
for Optimistic Game: Revised

10/15 c71 PasiveNox
Great chapter wonderful wonderful
10/15 c71 1GideonBlackthorn
do i detect some influence from ME: Andromeda in the first scene? (excellent taste and one of my favorite ships in that game!
10/6 c52 XDNOVA13
Just made it to 52, I’ve loved the story so far, loved all of your stories really and especially after you started using the Yakuza franchise. Keep up the good work and keep writing amazing stories.
9/29 c43 WizzyTheWizard
Honestly, personally I would have went with a lie about how Poseidra was a hidden civilization from before Ozma's time and that Reid was forced into a stasis when the city was cursed and they realized that magic was dying. It's a reasonable explanation to how he just showed up out of nowhere and knows about Haki since it could be described as a family secret while also convincing people that he has a "mission" for restoring magic to the world.
9/27 c42 Nullblaster
Ah. That's going to be awkward.
9/25 c5 AssassinBlaze
...god damn it i was liking this story too
9/25 c3 AssassinBlaze
god i hope this doesn't end up becoming a harem
9/23 c2 Nullblaster
A dragon priest mask? Oooh, these gacha items are gonna be neat.
9/19 c70 Guest
Titania being corrupted by Good.
"NO Reid, you don't understand... I can turn into BIIIIIRRRDDD Reid! I CAN TURN INTO A BIRRRRRDDD!"
9/20 c70 rexden
“Whats the worst that could happen?Rubies just invoked Murphys law.
9/20 c70 mangouschase
girl said the thing, the worst and worser will happen
9/18 c70 7Spedyalarm
Holy fuck Is that the Dragonborn?!
9/17 c70 Guest
He probably should have realized making such powerful armor wouldn’t be so easy. Also Yang being able to become a bird is interesting and suggest that the other girl might be able to alter their race as well with magic
9/17 c70 Guest
And Titania just awoke the devil named Murphy
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