6/15/2024 c1 Grant10000
This story is one of, if not the Most Retarded. NGL. I'm not gonna say why because everyone who actually knows the definition of cringe and power wanking knows why. This is the type of story that losers who suck in real life will write. They're desperate to feel good about themselves. Fckin edgelords with no actual edge.
This story is one of, if not the Most Retarded. NGL. I'm not gonna say why because everyone who actually knows the definition of cringe and power wanking knows why. This is the type of story that losers who suck in real life will write. They're desperate to feel good about themselves. Fckin edgelords with no actual edge.
6/13/2024 c1 Zyxis Ouroboros ReArchtypist
This is okay. The main character feels painfully generic, and there are a couple grammatical errors. Still, it's alright. i hope things get better as it goes.
This is okay. The main character feels painfully generic, and there are a couple grammatical errors. Still, it's alright. i hope things get better as it goes.
6/11/2024 c65 Guest
I hava a question did he drop the story
I hava a question did he drop the story
5/31/2024 c61 ryuschnitzel
Wow. MC suddenly became a piece of shit. MFer had an entire arc of hesitation if he gonna want harem or not and is waiting Ruby's approval. That he obviously got. I can understand other harem members as he spent time emotionally and physically with them. But fucking a woman the 2nd time he met and barely knew because he was "drunk", yeah right. With all that overpowered stats, gamer mind, magic and haki yet he got drunk. So he gonna start fucking any woman who threw themselve to him now?
So much for the build up of his character. Respecting Ruby's opinion, Keeping his lust in check, discipline himself, acting all righteous. God I wish the roles were reversed and Rwby or velvet fucked another dude they barely knew too. I wish they cheat on him Let's see how this fucker reacts. Unfortunately, it won't happens as this is Author's power fantasy and he is a imbecile who thinks with his lower head. I'm not mad he fucked a woman. I'm mad as we readers spent the time reading his character development and him respecting his harems and not to cheat. We all know he is the epitome of gigachad. He has clear morals and conscience. Then it all went straight to trash. Dropping and bye.
Wow. MC suddenly became a piece of shit. MFer had an entire arc of hesitation if he gonna want harem or not and is waiting Ruby's approval. That he obviously got. I can understand other harem members as he spent time emotionally and physically with them. But fucking a woman the 2nd time he met and barely knew because he was "drunk", yeah right. With all that overpowered stats, gamer mind, magic and haki yet he got drunk. So he gonna start fucking any woman who threw themselve to him now?
So much for the build up of his character. Respecting Ruby's opinion, Keeping his lust in check, discipline himself, acting all righteous. God I wish the roles were reversed and Rwby or velvet fucked another dude they barely knew too. I wish they cheat on him Let's see how this fucker reacts. Unfortunately, it won't happens as this is Author's power fantasy and he is a imbecile who thinks with his lower head. I'm not mad he fucked a woman. I'm mad as we readers spent the time reading his character development and him respecting his harems and not to cheat. We all know he is the epitome of gigachad. He has clear morals and conscience. Then it all went straight to trash. Dropping and bye.
5/31/2024 c65 2sharinnegan101
I’ve been thinking, and consider this: If Levi’s dad is the Pig Emperor, that would be an awesome twist, and a great way to further connect her with Reid!
I’ve been thinking, and consider this: If Levi’s dad is the Pig Emperor, that would be an awesome twist, and a great way to further connect her with Reid!
5/29/2024 c52 Rnlee
I read your note on this chapter i just want to let youbknow your writing is so good i dont feel the need to comment
I read your note on this chapter i just want to let youbknow your writing is so good i dont feel the need to comment
5/28/2024 c49 ryuschnitzel
Blue King is so weird of a title. I'm quite sure author is an absplute simp of Gura, if the offhand mention of the 'A' post and wearing blue hoodie. Anyways, still a great story. Binged this for a few days. Would have preferred Azure instead of Blue though.
Blue King is so weird of a title. I'm quite sure author is an absplute simp of Gura, if the offhand mention of the 'A' post and wearing blue hoodie. Anyways, still a great story. Binged this for a few days. Would have preferred Azure instead of Blue though.
5/26/2024 c65 tajarim
MC needs a targeted gender bender token, but one where the recipient is very aware of what happened. Need to screw with (not literally screw) Oz!
MC needs a targeted gender bender token, but one where the recipient is very aware of what happened. Need to screw with (not literally screw) Oz!
5/26/2024 c61 tajarim
Making the MC moronic enough to nut into a random woman and somehow FORGETTING he did it? That's unnecessary and stupid. Especially because a total blackout would mean brain damage.
Making the MC moronic enough to nut into a random woman and somehow FORGETTING he did it? That's unnecessary and stupid. Especially because a total blackout would mean brain damage.
5/26/2024 c65 Hmason
...doesn't someone just need Reid's "essence" inside them to unlock magic? because if so then letting Kali swallow it probably did the job. and as scummy as it might sound he could then just take a drop and put it in Qrow and Kiryu's coffee or something and give them magic too.
also what the fuck is happening with the Orb? even if Salem MIGHT be different here not getting that thing ready and offering to give her a way out of her curse is idiotic. and no shit Reid you need to upgrade your gear to take on LEGENDARY dungeons. regular clothes with minor enchantments are not gonna cut it. he's spent so much time trying to upgrade the cannon fodder and protect the dead weights that he's SERIOUSLY neglecting his own upgrades. step it up Reid you're supposed to be a GAMER. start acting like it. hax and bullshit yourself to the top.
...doesn't someone just need Reid's "essence" inside them to unlock magic? because if so then letting Kali swallow it probably did the job. and as scummy as it might sound he could then just take a drop and put it in Qrow and Kiryu's coffee or something and give them magic too.
also what the fuck is happening with the Orb? even if Salem MIGHT be different here not getting that thing ready and offering to give her a way out of her curse is idiotic. and no shit Reid you need to upgrade your gear to take on LEGENDARY dungeons. regular clothes with minor enchantments are not gonna cut it. he's spent so much time trying to upgrade the cannon fodder and protect the dead weights that he's SERIOUSLY neglecting his own upgrades. step it up Reid you're supposed to be a GAMER. start acting like it. hax and bullshit yourself to the top.