Just In
for Optimistic Game: Revised

6/15/2024 c66 Guest
love it
6/15/2024 c66 7littleditto
Another great addition
6/15/2024 c59 Macilnar
So even after acknowledging that she should have aimed to kill Adam before, when she gets the chance she knocks him unconscious instead.
6/15/2024 c66 WOLF-GOST
6/15/2024 c66 GamerBlood
ahh, pero bien que le ocultas cosas a tus aliados verdad?
6/15/2024 c66 insanecoop
Another enjoyable chapter. Looking forward to more
6/15/2024 c66 17linkiepie2214
Ozpin that is how everyone else feels when you keep them in the dark.
6/15/2024 c66 BeetleRUs
The fear for Ozpin is harmful, he could ask for a secret and then he would reveal his secret?
6/15/2024 c66 2AvidReader2425
Thank you very much for another excellent chapter, and the final line made me chuckle a little bit since that man usually keeps others in the dark, gotta love karma.
6/15/2024 c66 Neo Infinity
Thanks for the great chapter keep it up
6/15/2024 c66 yahiro365
great chapter! cool developments. This story is awesome
6/15/2024 c1 Grant10000
Only Cringe
6/15/2024 c1 Grant10000
This story is one of, if not the Most Retarded. NGL. I'm not gonna say why because everyone who actually knows the definition of cringe and power wanking knows why. This is the type of story that losers who suck in real life will write. They're desperate to feel good about themselves. Fckin edgelords with no actual edge.
6/14/2024 c6 2J.E.P 1996
More of that please I love konosuba
6/13/2024 c1 Zyxis Ouroboros ReArchtypist
This is okay. The main character feels painfully generic, and there are a couple grammatical errors. Still, it's alright. i hope things get better as it goes.
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