Just In
for Optimistic Game: Revised

11/26/2020 c6 Kalstorm99
cool chapter.
11/26/2020 c6 2Hiremsage00
I hope that this time you gave him a semblance. It gets frustrating having so much power and no unique rwby ability. The gamer doesn't count because it is a fic. Based on the fact the Reid just distorted canon, he will have to wait 2 years to go after ruby, but that will give him time to build on that. I'm going to guess that ruby replacement is the spy, but I don't know. Hey will Reid get a chance to kill Adam and either get his weapon and semblance? Could Reid semblance be usurpation? Finally, congratulations on getting reid on the harem path. Hahahahahahah! It may be difficult but drama and laughs are worth it.
11/26/2020 c6 NineTailsoftheSun279
This... This is AWESOME! I must have MOAR! *Cough* In all seriousness, that was amazing, and a highlight of my day.
11/26/2020 c6 Vampiric King
11/26/2020 c4 JKingSniper
11/26/2020 c6 ilikefreedom
That new titan class grimm is soooo cool and interesting.
11/26/2020 c6 ilikefreedom
Once again a wonderful chapter.
11/26/2020 c6 SirMaou
Reading the Omake gave me a boner.
11/26/2020 c5 BurstEvolution9000
Love the chapter can't wait for the next one.
If you read review
Suggestion for Gacha:
Thunder Breathing(Demon Slayer)[Should read manga for other techniques]
Vile of Dragon Blood
Indescribable Pocket knife
11/26/2020 c6 Neo Infinity
Thanks for the great chapter is the new girl an OC or from other animes.
11/26/2020 c6 Uday Sra
11/26/2020 c6 Uday Sra
11/26/2020 c2 Elmoslayer569
never could understand the motive for ruling worlds just sounds boring and annoyingly time consuming. or just being considered a leader in general I'll gladly be a minion or sleeping one of the two or just tell people to fuck off and do my own thing when I'm strong enough
11/26/2020 c5 2Kegila
Am I the only one who noticed that the protagonist did exactly what Adam would have done anyway ? I mean by freeing the slaves, killing the owners in the worst way he can, not having remorses about it by thinking that they aren't human/faunus in the case of Adam.
If you wanted to make him look like a good guy, congratulations, you'we failed.
11/25/2020 c5 Silber D. Wolf
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