Just In
for A Life to Live

2/26/2005 c2 Mai-chan
That was so cool. I'm totally looking forward to the next chapter! Update, please!
1/17/2005 c2 1Lady Light
wah! Update this please!
8/5/2004 c2 1Zaeria
It really is too bad you seem to have abandoned this fic. It was quite good...and poor Wufei deserves some joy in his life.
6/15/2004 c2 11Keyo-Red Angel of Hope
Very good. The writing lacks description and is mostly just speech, but the idea is good and the story looks set to develop into something interesting. Hey, is that a love triangle I see?
2/29/2004 c2 kioko
o write more! i love it, i love it, I LOVE IT! so, er..., update? YEAH, THATS IT, UPDATE! ^-^ i'm so special... in the head... hehe
2/25/2004 c2 crimson mist
HI! I like very very very much! It's so hard to find a nataku and wufei fic. Thank you for puting up this story. You must MUST add another chapter soon. Have a nice day and please update soon.
2/3/2004 c2 3Kawaii ningen kitsune
Hello. This is a very good story. ^_^'. Keep writing.
12/8/2003 c2 7Elda Aranel
That was so totally awesome! I love that type of AU romance types. Also 5XM is my fav pair. This is definately on my list of stories to keep reading. PLEASE WRITE MORE SOON!
10/28/2003 c2 wgoodell
this is a preety good story so far. please write the next chapter soon. this is one of the better storys ive read. your a good writer please update this sory soon. like a milion others storys this one stops when it starts to get good but this is great better than good ind i would like to read more soon your new fan wgoodell
10/1/2003 c2 15Starcalista
I really loved this story. It's very interesting. One thing is because there's so little Wufei/Meiran(Nataku) realtionships out there. Well, I hope you continue it. I really want to know what goes on next. So I really hope that you post the next chapter soon, ok? Ok?

From Angel Starcalistas a.k.a Star
9/26/2003 c2 May
Great story, can't wait for the next chapter! ^_^
8/25/2003 c2 GotasDeLimon
hm good... very good indeed and especialy because meiran is my favorite and i hate sally po ihateherihateherihateher *get a poster of sally po from no where* i know what i will do whit this BURN IT MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :D well keep writing i rely, realy like it burn burn
8/11/2003 c2 Spirittamer
Please write more, I'm really enjoying this.
7/29/2003 c2 14Mikia
*Spits my soda all over the computer screen* you just did not stop there...OH PLEASE CONTINUE! IT WAS GETTING REAL GOOD!
7/24/2003 c2 4Miss Hanmyo

about time! meilin is my fave..shame she's dead though.plz update!
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