Just In
for The Iridescent Chronicles: Earthly Adventures

2/9/2021 c9 Dreamcatcher56
This story has happily pulled me the characters you have included thus far...a brilliant AU with a friendly Rose/River friendship as well as adventures along the way.
2/9/2021 c9 RazieLynn
I loved getting a glimps of Rivers PoV! Now I am really curious about everything though! Love the slight cliffhanger you left it on, that wont be resolved for a very long time, I am guessing.
2/6/2021 c9 debygoebel
Really nice chapter
Liked you take on the eternals.
Ok by the conversation on of my theories are out, of Miranda being related to River.
Yhe your eminance makes me think she isn't Rose and the Doctor future kid, but still could be.
Or maybe another time lord
Yeah, need more clues
1/23/2021 c8 debygoebel
Good chapter
Liked the conection of how Rose's life was nudge in a diferent direction, bet this litle piece of info will come in handy at some point.
1/16/2021 c7 debygoebel
Good chapter
Really intersting
I bet there's more to Rose's new best friend
Crazy to find out.
Interesting your approach of Oxford
Have you gone there ?
1/11/2021 c6 Handy99
I like this fic. It's an interesting start and could be great, if it doesn't go on permanent haitus like a lot of promising stories sadly tend to do. Also like seeing rose meet the eighth doctor and River and Jack instead of shoe-horning in the doctor who season 1 storyline (meeting in Henrik's etc) like a lot of stories tend to do. Some actual semi-original content for once
1/6/2021 c5 debygoebel
Great chapter
Loved that she met him before the war
And had an earthbound adventure
12/30/2020 c4 debygoebel
Jack :D
So Happy he has River, that he isn't by himself just waiting
Ans now Rose as well even if she doesn't knows it yet
12/25/2020 c3 debygoebel
Good chapter
Liked Rose first adventure, liked that she is going to university
Crazy to see how different she will be when she meets the doctor
I agree with you River has so mutch potential
But they kind of glowed it up.
12/23/2020 c2 debygoebel
Really intersting start
I might actually like a story with river song in it
12/21/2020 c1 2daisysyins
I don't usually post reviews on here, but I just had to say - that was excellent. I love the style of writing, and you've got Rose's voice beautifully. Please keep going, I am Very Intrigued for further chapters!
12/21/2020 c2 hideher
Very well written. The story flow's well. Can't wait to find out what happens next.
12/21/2020 c1 hideher
Intriguing, well written. Keep it up!
12/16/2020 c1 fantastictyler
Great start! I can't wait to read more!
12/16/2020 c1 RazieLynn
Interesting premise, a origin story I haven't seen before! I am lokking forward to reading more!
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