Just In
for And Everything Nice

12/18/2020 c4 Guest
Sweet :))

I could so picture Rick all covered in tinsel
Lily has a pitchers arm already and great control and precision

Thank you for sharing
12/18/2020 c4 life's a mystery
12/18/2020 c4 19wendykw
Cute and Fluffy. I've smiled all the way through reading this. Thanks.
12/18/2020 c4 Castle4Eva
Well that little Lily sure has good aim if she got almost all the tinsel on her father and not all over everything else!
12/18/2020 c4 Speedy.Mouse
These have all been great but this is my favorite so far. I expect that this will come up when Jim visits with the ornaments. He will remind Rick about what he told him about Lily being like Kate and how much trouble they were both in for.
12/18/2020 c2 NYAZ
Patrol Officer D Peabody? I love it !
12/18/2020 c3 TORONTOSUN
12/18/2020 c3 dopeysac
Loved all three chapters and can't wait for more! Looking forward to the next update.
12/18/2020 c3 freeasabird14
I love where this is going. #Caskett #Always
12/17/2020 c3 2cruise1213
Beautiful story. I can’t wait to read more. Merry Christmas !
12/17/2020 c3 Jbug47
Lights are hard to get just right! I’m glad Kate is finally bringing Johanna back in her life!
12/17/2020 c3 Guest
Beautifully written
Love seeing Rick and Kate so calm and loving enjoying being a family with their baby lily

Looking forward to more and seeing the rest of the family Martha and Jim and Alexis joining Rick and Kate experiencing Lily’s first Christmas

12/17/2020 c3 sasans
Very very nice and sentimental with a lot of love.
12/17/2020 c1 Speedy.Mouse
Amazing start! Off to Chapter 2...
12/17/2020 c2 Guest
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